I need encouragement today. Six weeks ago, I went off antihistamines and my IC went crazy. I told my husband that I hadn't felt this bad since I first got sick. I would love to hear your comments on them.
Taking antihistamines was a precipitating factor to develping my case of IC. When I am in the middle of a flare, I am tempted to take one and knock myself out for the night. I know it is better to push though and resist them.
Were any of you taking antihistamines when you started treatment with Matia? Did you notice a difference when you went off of them? Please tell me that they are terrible LOL.
As you wish...
They ARE terrible! You have to remember that the reason why antihistamines work for some IC patients is that one thing that is found in the urine of IC patients are HISTAMINES... Histamines are your body's immune over response to pollen, food, etc. The histamines cause inflammation and are also toxic... So... where do toxins end up? In the bladder! Your bladder is already raw to begin with... so. putting more histamines which cause inflammation in the bladder is like (excusing the horrible pun and visual) peeing gasoline onto the proverbial fire....
Yes, the antihistamines work in the short run to alleviate symptoms, but in the long run... they encourage more inappropriate immunological responses from your body.
Believe me... I have a lot of allergies... Hayfever, food, etc... and it is very hard to tough it out... I suggest drinking a lot of water when your allergies are bad (dilutes the "histamine effect") and also...if you have nasal/throat/eye allergies.... I HIGHLY recommend using a netti pot which you can find at health food stores... Go on to YOUTUBE to find out how to use it... It is a bit tricky to get the hang of , but easy once you "get it".
STAY AWAY FROM ANTIHISTAMINESReally, I have no experience with them, but it sounds like you know the answer, that they are bad for you and you are looking for more stories to back up your thoughts. I would say trust yourself.
do not give in to the short term releif! Break the cycle NOW!
I have not taken antihistamines in years because they make it difficult for me to empty my bladder, but they are supposed to block the mast cells that can irritate the bladder lining. My bladder pain really escalates during spring/summer/fall allergy season. Matia has a hard time getting my pain under control during those months. Probiotics seem to help my sinus and bladder symptoms , but they bother my bowels really bad, so I don't take them. I have been tempted to try some Tagemet, which is also supposed to block mast cells. I hate to take drugs though. Some homeopathic remedies help, but they wear out over time. I never know what to do with the situation.