I was having some really bad days...counting down the days until my appointment. I couldn't figure it out, because I've started the diet, and believe I'm using safe products. Then, I started my 23 days. My cycle has been off for over a year since I got off birth control....some months its 28 days, some months 22, 23, etc. Just a little background....I have recently had labs that came back saying low estrogen, low progesterone, low thyronine, and low reverse t4. So, I know I have some hormone issues. I thought that since my cycle was 27 days last month, it would be closer to that this month....nope! I believe that's why I was having the bad days a few days before my period. Then, the day before my period got a little better....then, the day of my period and the next 2 days on my period have been the best bladder days I've had! I only went pee 6 times yesterday, with 6 hours and 40 minutes between once. I still had the urgency, but it wasn't as bad. Does this mean that the diet is helping? However, yesterday at work, I got really tired and dizzy all of the sudden....and off and on all day I felt like this, along with feeling like I was going to throw up, but no fever. Could this be die off? It was just weird that my bladder was feeling great, but then I felt so crappy this possible?
Yes - it's quite possible - I'm waiting for the day when the whole picture comes together - However, ever so grateful that all things are immensely better. If you want a ton of validation that you're not crazy - try searching "die off". The symtoms are endless -including dizyy, tired, and sick to your stomach. So sorry - but nothing that you mention is original......Althoough that doesn't make it any less tough on the individual going through it. However, I truly believe that you've found a wonderful place to start healing.
Hanging in there with you,