Question about diagnosis

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I have my first appt to see Dr B the end of June. I have never officially been diagnosed with IC. Why are urologists so apprehensive to give all of these. .symptoms a name. I have been through a urodynamic test 2 cystcoscopies

After being put on 5 different pills, sent to a pelvic floor physical therapist & in treatment with this doctor for 3 months he finally says today you have a neurogenic bladder! Will Dr B be able to help me or was this doctor just grasping at straws! Very frustrated & in pain!

Christine222's picture

She will be able to help you. I was never diagnosed either, I didn't want to subject my self to all those tests just so they could give it a name. Dr. B will just tell you it's all words, and it is, you have an imbalance and she will help you fix it.