Rapid Heart Rate

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Hello Ladies,

   Have any of you experienced a rapid heart rate, pounding or skipped beat as part of this treatment/detox process?

I began having heart beat oddities the last day in June with no prior heart problems. I am trying to figure out if this is somehow related to IC/treatment or if this is something completely new.

I have had a full work-up with my Cardiologist and my CT, echo, stress tests and EKGs are coming back clean. I just have this "almost" tacchycardia and PVCs.

Any other patients with heart issues?

researchnerd's picture

I've had all kinds of weird things--like chest pain, strange bubble sensations etc.  Since you're older its good to get it checked out, but I would email Matia to let her know.  This die off stuff is pretty scary sometimes, but keep trucking!

Carole UK's picture
Carole UK

I get this from time to time, I also get shortness of breath at the same time normally.  I had all the tests a few years ago but all negative so I'm convinced it is yeast related.  I have seen it mentioned as a die off symptom on other candida websites.
It doesn't concern me much now.  When its happening I try to concentrate on my breathing and it seems to help.

Shelby's picture

Have you had your thyroid checked?  Over active thyroid can also affect your heart rate.

fahlmank's picture

Shelby- Great Questions! Yes, I had my thyroid checked and it is normal. I just have these days where my heart is on and off fast all day or sometimes a morning or an afternoon. I wore a monitor and it showed the rapid heart rate and the PVCs, but everything else... bloodwork etc. has come back normal.
I appreciate being able to talk to you ladies!

fahlmank's picture

I spoke with Dr. Brizman about heart issues and thinks we can control it until the rest of the inflammation subsides and then it should go away completely. (here's hoping:)  Although it is not gone, we are working on it. Wish me luck!

nrc123's picture

I had this toward the end of my treatment with Matia. She dialed back some of my medications and reintroduced them more slowly and that did it for me.

fahlmank's picture

Hi Ladies,
  I want to update this post for anyone who may be searching and has similar symptoms. After a few months of working with Dr. Brizman (three) and regularly communicating with her regarding my daily heart rate and heart sensations, my heart is back to a NORMAL. 
I am certainly still a work is progress, however, tremendous gains have been made just in the last few weeks and I now understand how slowly changes happen. I think I just kept waiting for a dramatic "perfect" and that is not how healing is happening.... it is slow and hopefully, permanent;)
What an incredible journey;)
Sending good thoughts to all of you... this is one hell of a disease,

Christine222's picture

Yay! Glad to hear yu are doing better!

SarahC's picture

Hey - this is brilliant! Really well done!

fahlmank's picture

You ladies are the best! Thank you for the cheers.... blush...lol;)