Hello all
I was fortunate enough to meet a lady reflexologist quite by fluke...who specialises in chronic illness. I went for a session after 3 weeks of real bladder grot, and despite the fact I HATE my feet being touched, it was wonderful. I had a heck of a lot of pain in certain points of the feet, which linked to the intestine and the iliasicual valve where I suspected bacteria leaks.
Afterwards, I felt amazing. No symptoms for 4 days, not a thing. My energy levels have gone through the roof. I thoroughly recommend it. I am also going to mention to Matia about something called oxygen therapy, which is taken in liquid/powder form which enhances the way supplements work. I was lucky enough to meet a lady with IC who isn't on this programme, but just had reflexology and the oxygen/flower remedies which turned her life around. I feel great so if it can run alongside what I am doing with Matia, that would be great.
So yes...long story short,it is amazing what a good reflexologist can do.
Warm wishes to you all,
HI Ria
I'm all for reflexology normally speaking as I am a qualified practitioner and it is an amazing therapy however Matia and I talked about it at one of my consults and she does not recommend it normally speaking as it can have an adverse effect on the bladder and make things worse. I think it depends where you are in treatment so if anyone is considering it it would probably be wise to check with Matia before any holistic treatment as we are all so individual and different and what she may think is good for one of us would be really detrimental to another.
Im glad that it's helped you and I hope you dont mind my post but just thought I ought to mention Matia's view as a cautionary thing.
Glad you are feeling so well and hope your birthday party goes well.