The lemon could be a good option for those on later lists. The lemon will be cooked, so hopefully well tollerated when ok'd by Dr. Brizman.
The lemon could be a good option for those on later lists. The lemon will be cooked, so hopefully well tollerated when ok'd by Dr. Brizman.
This website is anti wheat.
This website is anti wheat. What are your thoughts on that Mimi? YET another carb that is supposedly not good for us. I make spelt bread and it does not bother me but this website says it bad for you. Does anyone else have a spelt issue? What gives man? My options are getting smaller here without rice!
i eat 1 or 2 pieces of spelt
i eat 1 or 2 pieces of spelt bread every day. I started gettingbetter around the time I included that. It isn't directly related but I am just saying, I know it doesn't bother me. I totally agree with Dr Brizman on this one. I htink if someone notices an issue (digestive or other) with spelt or wheat then sure take it out but I really like the idea of eating as normally as we can allowing our bodies to adapt and strengthen. I used to eat pasta, sandwiches, breads, muffins etc in my youth now I barely eat it and Ido think that is healthier. Of course if you have celiac no gluten at all but otherwise, most of us can probably handle it. I agree with her theories on this that she has posted about before