Just wanted to share that after a really tough two weeks, my bladder and pelvic area are starting to stabilize! I'm so excited! I was able to do some cleaning around the house yesterday. Who would think I would actually get excited about house cleaning LOL.
I'm so glad I'm starting to feel better because my 19-year-old daughter, who was away for 9 months doing a music and arts/leadership internship, came home last night! It's so good to have her back.
I am experiencing die-off symptoms like headache and fatigue, but I know healing is happening. :)
That is so good to hear
That is so good to hear Lisa!! I can't start treatment until after I have my baby (I'm 8 months), so this is encouraging for me to hear. Enjoy having your daughter home :)
Hang in there Lindsey! How
Hang in there Lindsey! How wonderful that you are bringing a new life into the world to love and nurture! Dr. B's treatment will bring new life to you as well.
Lisa Ann- That is fantastick
Lisa Ann- That is fantastick news. So glad to hear!
I am so glad
for you, Lisa Ann! I know what you mean about being able to do a little housework and feeling so good about it. Today is my 31st wedding anniversary, and I am so thankful to Dr. B for being able to go out with my husband. At this time last year I was in such a bad way and could see no relief in sight. I hope you have such a wonderful time with your daughter and keep improving.
Fantastic news
Fantastic news Lisa Ann! Love posts like this one!