Ulta Omegas By country life?

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Hey, so is anyone taking ultra omegas made by country life? Matia put me on them and whole foods stopped carrying them because they came out with a newer ultra concentrated omega(3*6*9).  So I ordered some online from Vitamin Life.  They got to my house yesterday and I opened the bottle and the capsules are shaped differently.  But the bottle looks exactly the same.  It says Ultra Omegas DHA/EPA 500mg/200mg.  One thing I should have done is saved my old bottle to compare.  It says one of the ingredients is Vitamin E(as d-alpha tocopherol).  Does anyone elses say that? I am just nervous my capsules will be made of something different then my old ones even though they are the same. Please let me know if you have these so I can compare.





Honeybee's picture

sometimes the maker of the supplement will change the ingredients- please check with Matia and let her know about the change  vitamin E- that can really spike pain levels. I would not take them until you check with her. than again maybe its fine- but email her if you are ever uncertain. Thanks!