I haven't posted anything here before but have been reading the forums for a little while. I saw Matia for the first time in April and have definitely noticed improvements since then. It's been very encouraging. I may have thought I was stronger than I was, went back to working, been much more social, but then a couple of days ago I really fell apart HARD. My bladder has not been this painful since I got sick 2 years ago! Matia has been very supportive in emailing me back with regularity. I am just blindsided by how intense my flare is, and unfortunately, all of my regular supportive people are unreachable at the moment. So I'm reaching out to you, who understand what this is like!
I'm just wondering how long it took others to bounce back after a big setback. Any feedback on how to gauge how ready you are to "get back into life" would also be greatly appreciated. I guess I really overdid it, but I didn't think that I was at the time.
I am sorry you are having
I am sorry you are having this setback. I think it gets harder to handle when you've been feeling somewhat better. My really bad days have been few and far between. I generally only have a few bad days in a row. I am sure you and Matia will figure this one out soon. In the meantime- take it easy as best you can. I know how hard that can be.