Wheat Pasta List 2 Question

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Hi Everyone,

Quick question for you. I'm on list 2 which in starches says limited amounts of wheat pasta. I'm just wondering if this means you can go ahead and start eating normal pasta (made with wheat as opposed to rice pasta) in small amounts or does it mean you can have special types of "wholewheat" pasta as opposed to normal white pasta? Just seems like quite a "naughty" food to be eating that early on? I should probably check the packets but i would have thought normal pasta contains some yeast in it?

Can anyone on and beyond list 2 enlighten me about this? I haven't tried it yet as I'm scared it will slow down the healing process.

Positivegal's picture

I'm pretty sure it's whole wheat pasta Dr.M recommends.

selichan's picture

I've been curiuos about the pasta as well. I've bought spelt pasta in the past, but was too afraid to try! I am not experimental at all when it comes to trying new things in the list, especially if they are things I love.!!! I know it sounds silly, but I think i am afraid i may overdo it if i start allowing myself those things that I am weak about.  I'd be very interested to find out what others say.