Hi Ladies,
I am still figuring out the best products to use in the beginning of treatment. I found a Yeast Free Tapica Bread made by kinnickinnick.
Is this a bread we are able to use in our diet? If not, I will order the Ener-G Yeast Free Brown Rice bread. I appreciate the input.
list 1 bread
Hi fahlmank,
I just googled the ingredients in the kinnickinnick Tapioca bread and I see it has lots of no-nos, including two different sweeteners (sugar and dextrose), vitamin blend, mono and di-glycerides (most likely from soy bean oil), etc. It's best to avoid this even after treatment is over. I've never tried the Ener-g bread as I haven't ever seen it in my area, but I have tried the Pacific Bakery Yeast and Kamut breads. They are good for list 1 if you can tolerate grains, and you can order them online, but they're very expensive.
Have you tried baking your own bread? There are some fantastic recipes for spelt tortillas, muffins, etc. on the website. I would definitely recommend those, especially if you can find freshly milled spelt flour in your area. If not, order this spelt flower from Cayuga farms (near Ithaca, NY) you will not regret it!
Thank You !
Hi Natalie,
I thought the Tapioca Bread may be on the no list-- it tasted pretty good:) I seem to be doing well on grains as long as it is not spelt. I had a hard time with wheat before beginning treatment and I think spelt is a related grain.
I am still learning what and where all the chemical sounding ingredients come from (like dextrose and the mono-di-glycerides). I have not tried making my own bread.... I think I may look into it.
Which list are you on? I see you have been a member since 2008... how are you feeling?
Thanks again,
Hi Katie
I've been a patient of Matia's for over four years. My first year in treatment was very difficult, but towards the end of 2nd year my bladder felt 100% better and I was eating on list 5. And I've been able to maintain my overall wellness, as long as I work hard to take care of myself and eat right. My job is very demanding and sometimes it's hard to make sure I'm doing everything I can to keep my body in balance. When I get lazy and stop cooking most of my meals for myself, I feel less well. And from time to time I've fallen off the wagon with a sugar or alcohol cheat and I've paid for it dearly.
Hey theres an AWESOME recipe for rice biscuits on here from Camille. So awesome, that I regularly made them for my study group last semester (thanks Camille!!!). However, you need the approval for yogurt and milk. If not, use the pacific bakery ones Nat mentioned. They're yummy toasted.
In terms of chemicals--you can't eat them in treatment. Read all ingredients and if it has things in it that are not on your approved list, its a big no. So unfortunately the rice bread you mentioned is also a no go!!! It has pear sweetener, so unless you're on list 5, you cant do it. Bread in general is a hard one until list 4. I recommend ordering from cayuga (Nat and I get this in NYC, but they ship) and making the zucchini bread from this site or some of the other breads here.
As a rule in treatment, you won't be able to eat most things that are processed. Check the gentle product guides for some processed foods that we can have (but there's not much on list 1 except for potato chips).
When I started treatment (3 years ago), I couldn't cook at all. Haha. Under the fine tutelege of ICAMA ladies, I'm way better!
Same goes for lotion and other body products! Good luck.
Thanks again for your suggestions! Figuring out the diet (especially breakfast) is a little tough because I am not tolerating eggs very well. It's discouraging to not be able to eat such a fulfilling (and easy to make) food.
I found the brown rice yeast free bread from ener-g listed on the gentle products guide, but it must be for further along in treatment. I will check out the Cayuga products. I am in Ohio so shipping shouldn't be too bad.
I love Whitney's flatbread and you can make it with whatever flour you can tolerate. I use spelt, but rice flour apparently works well. I eat this with everything and it is super easy to make.
Also homemade turkey sausage patties are great. Just mix plain ground turkey with whatever herbs you can tolerate and some salt, flatten into patties and cook in olive oil.
I eat the Ener-g rice bread.
I eat the Ener-g rice bread. Matia said it was fine. i am on list 1.
Can you tolerate just plain brown (org) rice cakes? These are good with butter in the morning if you can. And easy to get...
Hopeful- Great suggestion! Yes, I seem to be doing very well with brown rice and potatoes. I bought some of the Lundenberg (sp?) rice cakes and really enjoyed them. I also started making turkey sausage in the morning and am slowly figuring out ways to add little "treats" into my diet. It is amazing how much better I feel on this diet!
I seem to be doing very well with everything on list one except eggs. Sometimes they bother me, sometimes they don't. Will Dr. B tell me when to move on and try more foods? Do you need to be tolerating everything on one list to move to the next? Not trying to jump the gun... in fact, I am enjoying feeling more stable and do not really want to rock the boat. Just would love to hear your experiences with including more foods and what to expect:)
I know what you mean Katie,
I know what you mean Katie, it is so hard to know how you should feel when you move on to stage 2. When I tried I went straight to mozerella cheese and avacados because they sounded so amazing! I didn't tolerate them that well. I wish I had. I got super discouraged and fell off the wagon for awhile thinking I was not going to get better so who cares? I do not think that was the case. I think I should have added in vegtables from list two first to see how I tolerated them. I am back on list one now till I am stable. I am looking forward to list two, but does anyone have any insight how they added foods in and in which order and is there a way specifically to know if you can handle it. Should you feel absolutely no bladder irritation or is a little ok and it will just get better with time as you get used to it????? so confusing!! :)
thanks Ladies,
Portia- Yep, that is exactly what I mean. The food inclusion is a difficult process, because it seems so subjective. Sometimes I will flare to a food and other times I won't depending on how "strong" my day is. Do you experience that?
By the way--- Great profile picture! Where is that?
Yes! That happens to me too.
Yes! That happens to me too. I will be fine on eggs one day and then horrible the next and I have not even changed anything. When I tried to move to stage two I went straight for the cheese, avacado, onion, and bell peppers, of course, they taste the best. haha. I don't think that went so well. I need to start with the veggies first I think. Are you on stage two now?? How are you feeling? Thanks! My picture is from climbing up in Washington in a place called Leavenworth. :)
Great picture! Looks like you had a fabulous time:)
I have been on the diet since May and feel much more stable on it! About 8 years ago I had an IGG sensitivity test and many of the foods we are to avoid according to Dr. B showed up on my food sensitivity test. So, I have been avoiding many of the major offenders for eight years. Diet has helped me tremendously and I was actually asymptomatic for quite a few years until I had my second daughter and the walls caved in again.
I do not have my first appointment with Dr. B until August 2nd. I am flying out to LA on Aug 1st with my husband and our little one. I absolutely cannot wait to meet her. I have been figuring out my own way for so long.... I am ready to have a Doctor who knows what she is doing:)
I hope you are able to indulge in some avocados very soon:) Please keep me posted on how you are doing.
Take care,