Yeast question

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Again- I know I'll find this out next week probably but humor me, ok? LOL

I have never had a sweet tooth and don't "crave" sugar at all. I had no issues taking out of my diet. I do miss alcohol but I think that is more about the ritual and taste rather than the alcohol itself.

I had taken a pretty good amount of high quality probiotics before and never experienced die off.

Is it possible that yeast is not an issue at all?

veryhappymom's picture

For some people bacteria is a problem more than yeast.  I think Matia said my situation was 60% bacterial and 40% fungal (yeast).  It varies from person to person.  I think birth control bills increase the yeast growth and even moderate amounts of sugar can cause problems for some people.  
I ate too much sugar growing up and took way too many antibiotics.  I didn't have much die off in the beginning of treatment.  As I progressed, die off symptoms were more apparent.

selichan's picture

That's very interesting. Just like you i grew up taking way too much antibiotics. Prior to my IC symptoms..I had just started a new job and my breakfast and lunches became starbucks frappucinos and sweet mocha drinks! Being in starbucks twice a day, i used to think i am a major coffee drinker, but now realize i was just drinking desserts. I wonder if that means my problem is more the yeast, i can't tell you what it makes me to think of apple cobblers, or a nice chocolate pudding now. More than anything...even more than sushi, which i love. Guess i was wrong thinking i didn't have a sweet tooth before. :)