How did RP help you?

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Anyone taking RP? How did it make u feel? Hopefully, better. Been in a flare for over 10 days now :( waiting for the rp to get shipped to me. Should be here tomorrow . 

deir's picture

I've been on RP on and off since the start. I am on it right now. I was having a really bad stretch  and since adding the RP, have been much more stable. Your body is constantly changing and adapting. Hope it helps you! If not, somehting else will. Hang in there. 

Claire's picture

I've been on RP since the beginning of treatment (over 2 years now).  It seems to be my staple.  If you look through old posts on RP, there are lots of descriptions of what it does.  It's tonifying, I believe. 

calieve's picture

When I am RP my bladder/urethra has no pain at all. I also have better periods. I don't even feel it start.

Star gazer's picture
Star gazer

Thanks girls, got home from work and my RP had arrived. Took my first dose tonight. Hoping it gets me out of my 11 day flare.

calieve's picture

Hope so too, if it doesn't email Matia. No one should have to suffer that long with a flare. Good luck!

Annika's picture

I´ve been taking it since the beginning of treatment and I´m pretty sure it´s the main reason for my pain to go down. I´m almost symptom-free these days. I think it´s a good moisturizer for the bladder. 

Divaswearred's picture

What is RP?

deir's picture

It is one of the herbs Dr B uses with many patients. Stands for Rehmanea Peonea (or soemthing iike that)

Divaswearred's picture

Oh, yes, I know that herb, it is absolutely wonderful. Makes me feel a little drunk! It is incredible for women though. Thanks for letting me know!
Best, Carey