Questions of Importance to Share

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I thought I would start sharing some information that has come up in emails-bc often they are relevant to many others. I will try my hardest to do this as I can on a regular basis.

Q-when I am feeling well in treatment, is it wise to just get the powder form of the probiotics instead of the caps since my local store carry those?

A-I think this form of the Natren probiotic is not a good idea even post-treatment. It is just too strong for the kind of people that I treat,

Q-What herbs do you recommend me having on hand for an in home cold flu "medicine" chest?

A- Ear formula, Gan Mao Ling, Formula 48, Formula 49, Plum flower Zhong Gan Ling are the basics. If you have Ching Fei Yi Huo Pian, Pill curing, and Chuan Xin Lian you will be super stocked, but the last three are not starters so could be ordered once you have started on your cold/flu protocol if you ned up needing more. 

Q-How long may I stay on herbs for my cold/flu? 

A-I always recommend staying on cold/flu herbs protocols one day past normal. The reason for this is because if you stop permaturely, the virus or bacteria will likely come back with a vengeance and will only lead to many more days of treatment. So, the most expeditious route out of it is treating through the end.

Q-Should I do PT in treatment?

A-I really recommend not doing PT  with my treatment. Every modality comes from a different perspective. PT-as in pelvic floor therapy PT is very interruptive to my treatment. I typically as that people focus on this treatment alone when they make the difcicult decision to do this treatment so as to not disturb the balance I am trying hard to work towards.

That's it for today



MinnieMouse's picture

Thank you for sharing Dr B!