The other night I found the flare-up/no-no list at the bottom of the diet page (I never read beyond list 2!) and realized some things:
1) That after a week of treatment, I started to forget to take my probiotics OUT of the capsule, so had been swallowing capsules for almost 2 wees.
2) That in the beginning when I was taking oregano I was taking oregano oil and not oil of oregano.
Matia's got me continuing where I currently am at with protocol to see what happens, but I'm really kicking myself that I've screwed up my treatment so far and that I could have been farther along if it weren't for these screw-ups.
So I'm having one of those periods the last few days where I think "Oh, it's not working, this treatment is not working for me, because I'm not doing it right".
Just needed to get this out of my head. I'm trying to move forward now and affirm that my body is healing and that the supplements are working in spite of my goofs.
Screw up
Try to look at this as just a short setback. Everybody screws up now and again, and it is frustrating. Now you can move forward. If you were well once, you will be well again.
I remember doing all kinds of no-nos before I realized how important it was to think about everything I was putting in and on my body. Like a month into treatment I used a "natural" sunscreen and I was in a really bad flare for a week after that- and I used shampoos and conditioners and deoderents and soaps and makeup that had vitamin E in them. I finally changed all those products- or stopped using makeup until I feel better-I changed my laundry detergent, soaps,dish detergent, shampoo- I started reading my lables more carefully to determine whether the ingredients could be harmful- rosemary extract in ground turkey made me feel really horrible! I found out that the ailes of certain products in grocery stores could set off a flare and I found that certain foods bothered me -spelt! A different water could mess me up too. I forgot to refill my formulas over christmas break and went wthout my herbs for 5 days! I had brain fog so bad I couldn't remember if I took my medicine or not or I'd forget to take it at all! It is a lot of work to keep up the pace and stay on top of everything- make sure I'm not out of anything and I'm totally a spazz when it comes to staying organized so I have to write it all down! It's alot to keep it all straight especially in the beginning but I love taking responsibility for my health it makes me feel empowered to have things I can do to help my body get well rather than just pop a pill or wait for a stranger to tell me if I'm healthy or not. Mary
I didn't mean to post this twice- sorry!
for your comments and support. It's great to get perspective from everyone. It helps me with the depression/anxiety/feeling alone symptoms of IC. I'm glad to read about staying organized. I find it hard to plan my food if I'm going to be out for more than a few hours. I really have to think ahead and perhaps pack things to take everywhere, like regular olive oil to avoid EV olive oil, which is what is served everywhere it seems!In a couple of weeks I'm going to visit family in the UP of Michigan, which I don't think has a Whole Foods in the whole part of that state (they also don't have Starbucks, which is great because it's been hard giving all that up with one on every corner in Chicago!)! So, I'm going to need to make sure I pack enough spelt bread, etc., so I don't run out for the week. AND make sure I have all the supplements I need.