Some positive stuff

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I had a really rough start to treatment- feeling up and down and actually worse than before. it was really mentally and physically exhausting and I posted quite a bit of venting.


I've been feeling much better overall recently and I just wanted to share!


One other tangible result is the past 2 months I got my period on day 28. I know it is always thought that there is a range of "normal" as far as length of cycles but I can't help but feel that getting a pd on day 28 is a great sign that my hormones are functining better! When I was going through my infertility years, my cycles were super long (45 or more days I think) When I finally self treated with herbs my cycles became shorter and I got pregnant but I conceived late around day 20-22. Clearly, my body was in balance enough to get PG but I really think ovulating earlier and having a decent luteal phase is a tangible sign that STUFF IS HAPPENING!!!


My bladder has been pretty stable for over 2 weeks with a few little bumps. I still haven't moved up to list 2 (frustrating) but I think I am headed there soon.


Anyway- just wanted to share some good stuff for once. Now I am going to go knock on a lot of wood! :)

fahlmank's picture

Thank you for posting some positive experiences regarding your progress! I am in the stage of having some ups and downs so it is so incredibly helpful to hear things are beginning to stabilize for you... especially when I know you are chasing all those little munchkins around your house:)
I was telling my husband the other night about your post when you shared that your husband would tell you to focus on the end result when you were having a tough moment. I can't tell you how often I have thought of that the last few weeks. 
Sending you thoughts for continued progress:)

Christine222's picture

Yay! I knew you would eventually stabilize! I felt so bad you were having such a rough start when I was pretty much doing pretty well from the beginning. I still have ups and downs but my days are pretty managable. I hope you can move up to list 2 soon, I know that was a nice treat when that happened for me! I'll knock on some wood for ya too just in case ;)

deir's picture

Thanks Ladies!
Christine- Now i don't have to be as jealous of you. You know it is bad when you're jealous of another person with IC for God's sake! LOL
Katie- To answer your wuestin from the tooth thread: The bifido seemed to cause me issues for a couple of days and then it passes. I didn't have issues with Mega (or amybe I did- I was a mess for a few weeks in the begining) Dr B did lower my  Bif dose when I was having a rough span a while back- She is upping it again now. I was up to 1 3x a day and now I am at 1/2 3x a day.

blondy's picture

Deir, I was wondering how you are doing. Glad to hear positive news.
Bifido is hard on me, so I thought I was doing badly.  But I do have some positive new, too. I learned last week that there is hardly any blood in my urine comparing to immense amounts that always were detected. I was surprised. My muscle pain is getting better, too.
I do wish I can take more supplements. I am not taking herbs yet; only probiotics and vitamins. I have appointment soon, I hope I can start herbs.

deir's picture

Bad news- i have been bad again. I am so freakin up and down. I can't take it!!! I feel like I will never move up to g-d list 2 if I don't have a good span. This is almost unbearable to try to deal with this and 2 school age boys and a toddler.
those of you with kids- any suggestions? Oh my god- just trying to figure out their school supplies, back to school night etc feel s like a huge burden right now. I am so scared. tantrums, normal problems, nap issues are so hard right now.
I thought I was mild but now that I see that so many have moved up the food lists and I just don't seem to reach a plateau of any length makes me so afraid I have it much worse than I thought.  I have been on list 1 for 4 months. Here I go- crying again. My poor husband- what did he get himself into???
Sorry to burden you all but I have exhausted my real ife people. :(

fahlmank's picture

Deir- Consider yourself computer HUGGED! I completely understand your frustration. My oldest went back to school on the 24th and getting back into the swing of school schedule is tough. Supplies, homework, social stuff, activities etc.... oh my GOSH! It is busy and tiring enough without IC. Then I have my 18 month old who is running all over the place AND she has also stopped sleeping through the night because she is getting in molars. Don't get me wrong... I look at my girls when I feel low and they give me the strength to fight this fight. They are everything, but it is tough to be a mom, meet all their needs and yet, I don't really know how to meet my needs some days. I know I need to rest more.. not a possibility. So, all of that is busy enough then my heart feels like it is going to pound of my chest, I can't breathe and my tooth is killing me.... oh yeah and my bladder. Sigh.
You will move to list 2. The process is working. Besides, what other choice do we have? Medieval procedures and ineffective, short-sighted medication is not an option. At least... that is what my husband remindes me of when I despair. 
In other words... you don't ever need to say you are sorry for sharing with us how you are doing. We are all in this together. Vent anytime.

Christine222's picture

Don't cry! I can totally understand how hard this is on you, but remember we are all different and YOU WILL STABILIZE! Please don't think you are bad just cause it is taking a few months longer then someone else. As bad as it is now, it will get better,}I know it will! I'd give ya a big hug if I could! {{{{{HUGGGGS}}}}}

emmarenee's picture

Stress will greatly affect your pain levels and how fast you heal. Back to school is a stressful time for everyone. Kids are stressed too and really pick up on your stress. Which makes them more stress. A vicious circle. What are the tools you use to reduce your stress?  Calming music and Yoga help me a lot.
As for the diet. I was on list 1 for 8 months and then added things up one at a time up to list 2 for another several months after. I then progress to list 3 to 5 quickly. We are all SO different.
I don't know how old your boys are. Maybe they could help take on some extra duties to help out. Things like laying clothes out the night before. Making sure their homework/ book bags are re packed and ready to go.

deir's picture

Thanks Tammy-
My boys are 6 and 8 and I really couldn't be any more organized. They do a lot of chores and we have the routine down pat. The problem is it is still so much work!! Just taking care of these kids and home and sometimes working and feeling like this.....ugh.
I really feel like I need a 3 month vacation and that ain't happening in this lifetime.
As far as stress reduction- that is a real issue for me right now. I have always done yoga, dance and other exercise to reduce stress but due to my freaky muscle die off pains, I can't do much rightnow. there were a few weeks in the summer where my foot went out on me and I couldn't even take a walk! Even sitting on the floor to meditate is too hard for me because of my weird back. All of this is so upsetting to m. I'd love a glass of wine but that's not a possibility!!
I am trying to dig deep and read psalms and other affirmations etc. I also need to reach out to more friends but I always feel like I am bothering people. Plus another big issue right now is one of my best friends and really the person who I depended onthe most in day to day life has totally flaked. it is a long story but basically she's leaving her husband, has a boyfriend- the whole mid life crisis crap. She is like another person and I have lost that source of comfort.
I'm working on things day to day and trying  my best but some days feel almost impossible- of course they're not and somehow ig et through it.
Thanks so much

porkchop87's picture

Deir are you tolerating grains such as rice and potatoes?  I know when I cut them out for awhile although it was so hard it felt so good to do and I noticed a huge difference.  Are u still having flares from food on list one.

deir's picture

Katie and Christine- How can you be so confidant? Please give me your secret!!I am flat out scared. I feel doomed.
I need to find some mental tools to fight this despair.

fahlmank's picture

The truth is... I am confidant YOU will get better, but when I feel scared I need the same reassurance you do. What I can offer is that I healed once from this terrible disease and I was free of it for five years. (This is my first time with Dr. Brizman though) It is possible and it happens very slowly. YOU will have a full and beautiful life raising those babies:)
I understand how frustrated you must feel to still be on list 1. It is very restrictive and food can be a real source of comfort. I always feel better after a good cry though. So I say let it out and then you will find your way back to strength tomorrow. 

deir's picture

Thanks katie- you are so sweet. BTW- my little Nora (17 months) has stopped falling asleep for me for naps. You can probably relate to how AWFUL that is right now. She was my great sleeper!! I even wrote in my little IC journal "Things to be thankful for - Nora's sleep" just 2 weeks ago!
Since you said your 18 month is getting molars- maybe Nora is too. She is very fidgety while nursing right now too which is maddening, but maybe her gums are bugging her.

blondy's picture

I am exhausted with my 2.5 y.o. She still wakes up twice a night for milk. I am not sure if I feel tired from IC or lack of sleep. I think it is the later.

deir's picture

Oh no Blondy 2x a night? You must be exhausted!