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I recently ate something I shouldn't have and had a big flare from it. But I am also mid cycle. I'm not really sure how to tell if what I'm experiencing is a flair or pain from ovulating. Can anyone tell me how it feels for them?

calieve's picture

When I have a flare my urethra burns. When I am ovulating I get period like cramps.

me's picture

How long do your ovulation cramps last. Mine started a few days ago around the same time as the flare so it's hard for me to tell which is which. My ovaries seem to hurt though.

calieve's picture

My Ovulation cramps last about 4-6 days. Before I used to flare during ovulation, and then again the whole week leading up to my period. I would also have spotting for a whole week up until my period started. Dr. B said that  most of us flare when we are hormonal so it is normal to have flares at those times.
The herbs she is giving me is making the flares and cramps way less then what they used to be. I only get the minor cramps now during ovulation. I used to cramp and flare. And now I have very little urethra pain a couple days leading up to my period. The pain is very minimal now, like a 2 or 3. Before I would go into full on flare pain and was between 5 and 9.
Dr. B said that pain, cramping, and spotting will go away soon because she is treating me for it. I already have noticed a huge difference all these have decreased tremendously.