I'm just trying to get some advice for my grandmother. She is 85 years old and has had a horrible year. Because I was going through all my stuff I never paid attention to everything that she was going through. I know in my heart that she has IC and probably for a long time but never alot of pain or symptoms until now. Im sure the 4 months of antibiotics did not help the situation. Anyway because of her age and her inability to travel...I would just like to find a way to make her as comfortable as possible. I can try to give her advice with the diet but everyone knows how hard it is for them & I cant imagine an 85 year old figuring it out. I would at least like to start her on a good probiotic so if anyone has any suggestions about the whole situation please give me some words of wisdom. I hate that I am on this healing path & cant provide her with the same :((((
Amy advice would be greatly appreciated