Something came up today that comes up frequently, and I think it warrants a blog note. A patient I am working with went to their doctor for a problem and was told that they need a steroid that will effect only the sinus cavity. The person was told that it would not have any systemic effect.
I will not argue the purported reactions that are said to be connected with any medication here, as I am not an M.D., however, I can tell you that there is a direct correlation between any substance you put on any part of your body with the reactivity in your bladder and likely more of your body than just that. Your body parts are connected through numerous kinds of vascular and cellular communication.
I have found that even something so gentle as vitamin E or cocconut oil or some other beign substance such as those can have very adverse effects on the bladder if it is not ready to be subjected to them.
This is also true for topical, oral or injectable prescriptions. If you are told that an effect should only be local and you are worried about how it will effect your bladder, please ask my opinion as well so at least you have had the opportunity to hear both sides of the coin.