Sex :((((((((

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I'm sorry if this is too much info but I had to ask! I had sex this morning for the first time in 16 months ( yes I am very sad for myself) & while it didn't hurt while it was happening about an hour after I started cramping a lot of pressure & basically feeling like I had sex 5000 times. I am soo uncomfortable. I can feel my bladder just throbbing. My question is how long can this last? I was so hopeful that I would be a lucky one who would not hurt after. And for those further along in treatment what can I expect going forward. Do I try again... Give it more time? Do I wait until I am completely symptom free. I just miss my husband & am very tired of all of the disappointments!!!


Mimij67's picture

Hi Amy! So sorry! We have not tried yet. Could you do other things and just add a little inter course at the end? This was my plan when we start up again. It was also recommended to me by the woman that runs the IcNetwork. Not that I place much stock in my phone conversation with her, but the small amount of thrusting made sense (sorry if tmi) and made the husbans feel good. When you are ready to try again... And maybe try a different position next time

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

megan's picture

Sorry you are having pain! For me it completely varies how much discomfort I have after sex. I don't usually have any pain during (unless I am already flaring) but my symptoms usually start 24 hours after the event. If I'm lucky they are mild (a bit of increased pressure and frequency) and last only a day, but if I'm unlucky I get more pain and it lasts a few days. I have noticed that certain times of the month seem better times to have sex - for me, around ovulation is better and the week leading up to my period is usually a better time too. I used to be nervous to have sex and I'd tense my pelvic muscles, but I've learned to relax them and this helps a lot. Also I've noticed the more "turned on" I am, the less pain I experience after. Certain positions put more pressure on the bladder too. Like you, I hope this all improves with treatment and we no longer have to have anxiety around sex!