In trying to make the change from a more common way of life to a more holisitc way of life, one has to examine all aspects of their healthcare choices. Dentistry is another area that is extremely important in this shift in thinking. Diet and healthcare management (what medications you take for example) may affect you tremendously! In search of more alternative dentists in this area, I was referred to a dentist recently. I was doing research on him and found the following information from his website. This is an incredibly interesting page, please read it! http://cheeseslave.wordpress.com/2008/04/08/look-mom-no-cavities/
mercury free dentistry
The following web-site can help people find mercury free dentists in thier area.
Westin Price Foundation
Dr. Mercola spoke this fall at the Westin Price convention and they promote nutrient dense foods and whole organic grass fed low chemical foods. Anyway I joined the group and now get the journal. The last journal was about teeth and especially cavitaions and infections under teeth, root canals, crowns, and the infections that can be left after a tooth is pulled. It is very interesting and when mercury is removed and these infections are healed, many chronic diseases like IC are improved. The journals can be ordered and many pertain to the things you strive to teach. Dr. Westin Price was a dentist whose mantra was Teach, Teach, Teach.