I was speaking to a patient today and we were discussing what kept her strong during the early stages of treatment. Many people do well, super well, right away in treatment, while others struggle for months to acheive what feels like progress. This patient told me that somehow through the internet she was connected to a very very old patient of mine. This woman had gotten well, and herself went back to school to study homeopathy because her life was transformed by alternative medicine. She told my patient that she knew of two other people and herslef that had all gotten better with my treatment, and that she should hang in there even though she was feeling really poorly. This patient said that her words were like a recording in her brain and she palyed it over continually as she fought her way through this process. And, for many, it is really hard. It seems unfair that it should be so hard for some and so easy for others. But, that is an entirely different discussion. In any case, it really helped that someone reached out to her because, she did heang in there, and she is phenomenally better! She is in the homestretch. She herself is also studying to become a healer and she has transformed her own life, the life of her family and each person she touches. It is wonderous how we can all touch one another through words on line and find a connectedness that we did not have in past years. I am always in amazment at how small technology has made the world in a wonderful way. So, thank you to each of you who take a moment to help another human being in need--it is a gift that cannot be measured!
Only Connect
I really enjoy yr blogs! You are so reflective and deep thinking.
Words are healing as well as diet and herbs - they are another form of energizing and supporting others. IC can take a person to a very lonely place and that outstretched hand can be the difference between making it and not making it.
I am also thankful for the support of 3 people currently in treatment who are encouraging me to start on the road to recovery.
Thank you for setting up this site - it's an oasis.
Ditto to Jane's blog. I look forward to Matia's blogs. Find them very insighful. Thanks Matia. I log on everyday hoping for a new blog from her (and hoping that someone else lives in Kansas City and has responded to my post under Florida. edwena