I am a mom of two and i was the mom that got up an hour before it was time to leave the house. This year it is different. I am up at 6 AM. I have time to have my warm glass of water and a small cup of coffee, read the news and relax. I can have several BMs before 7AM! I KNOW this is better for my digestion and so much easier. When I used to get up later it made it harder to plan morning walks with friends or attend a school meeting because I would always have to come home for a BM. Not a problem anymore!! Well, I hope this is not OVER sharing, and probably is, but with a tendancy towards lifelong constipation, this just feels so much better!
I am an early riser so it has
I am an early riser so it has always been natural for me to have a bowel movement first thing in the morning. It definitely helps to have some quiet time and drink warm water, etc. Glad you brought this up, Mimi. :)