March 4, 2008
I received the email regarding Oprah. I hope that she does the show and does it in a mature, compassionate and informative fashion. I've had this horrible condition for about 10 years. I was suicidal for many of them. However, I have been helped immensly during the last 2 1/2 years by Dr. Matia Brizman in L.A. She is a Dr. Of Traditional Chinese Medicine @ Bomamed clinic. I know that the NVA focuses on pharmacuetical research and tradional western medicine practices however, I must say that none of that ever helped me - only made me much much worse. I encourage you and others in the NVA to talk to Dr. Brizman about her methods of treatment. She is truly a remarkable woman and healer. Please do not put limits on what NVA will explore in order to help women with vulvodynia. Dr. Brizman literally saved my life. And now I am able to enjoy my life again and live with minimal to NO PAIN!!!! I NEVER believed it could happen. Again, Dr. Brizman SAVED MY LIFE. I am sure that she could do the same for at least some of the other brave women out there struggling with this. In fact, I think Dr. Brizman should be on Oprah!!! She has the most comprehensive and practical knowledge of ANYONE I have ever met regarding vulvodynia. This includes each and every one of the 35 (yes, 35) MDs who I have seen for help with this horrible condition.