I have had IC for eight years. I was 54 when my symptoms started. I woke up one morning and had IC. As I look back I remember that I had had frequency at times, mostly in the mornings for several years prior to the onset of IC.
I tried all the usual treatments and medications that are available for IC. Nothing really helped much. My main symptoms were frequency, burning, irritation and pressure. About a year and a half ago I started Dr. F's long term antibiotics. After four months I could stand the yeast no longer. Even taking anti fungals and adhering to a yeast-free diet I still had a big problem with yeast. After that I took Biotic Silver for 16 weeks, no change. I then took Diflucan for 28 days. I got a vaginal yeast infection the last week I was on Diflucan. I had been trying to decide about starting treatment with Matia. Camille had told me about her prior to my starting the antibiotics. ( Thank you Camille).
In February of 2002 I started with Matia. I am going into my eighth month with Matia. I have had some improvement but still have a way to go. I will stick it out and stay until I am well.
It has been a long and a difficult road for me. I have been on my own in my struggle with IC. I am so grateful to have found such a caring doctor that I have found in Matia. I thank God for her.