People who come to this website, I hope feel like they have landed on an oasis of hope. Whereas there are so many other sites on IC that make a person feel the doom and gloom of this disorder, I think that this site provides a different perspective. Like the post on affirmations--involving the impact of putting out positive energy to get positive energy back, this site is also dependent upon the positive energetics of thos involved, not only upon the actual positive nature of this treatment. Many people are not invloved in this site who have gone through treatment any many people in treatment are not involved. I am contacting some older patients and some current patients who I thnk will be helpful in creating more positive energy by sharing their experiences. I am really hoping they write in. It is hard bc many of us appreciate privacy in our journey and do not wish to engage with others or even to utter words of their experiences in treatment. But, sometimes it is so important if one can try to share enough to at least share a piece of her light with others who are in the darkness still. I hope that all of you who are participating now will remember your need for positive reinforcement and share your journey when it is your time. This site ivolves, as I said not only the positive nature of the message of the treatment, but it is woman to woman--people helping people. So, in every way we can, let's bring hope to another person who has none. And, change the world by making it a better place to exist within each of our bodies.