I understand that the vaccine issue is a huge one, and I am not advocating or saying that one should NEVER have one. But, I would like to bring attention to the problems that various kinds of medications may pose, vaccines being one. This article is interesting for me because I often think to myself that all of the chronic diseases and problems we are seeing in our aging as well as in our children are linked to the medical practices that we are using in today's world. That is not at all to infer that Western medicine is bad, but that in medicine, as in life we often think more is better, and we take things too far. For example, there are so many remedies for colds and flus, why would you want to have a vaccine to prevent it, when it does not even always work. The laternative world has a multitude of great cold and flu remedies. This article discusses the flu vaccine and a study that was done to people receiving it regularly, a vaccine that I always recommend against. These practices may be part of what is contributing to the steady incline of horrific and debilitating chronic illness: http://www.naturalnews.com/024867.html