I just received this article in my email from a patient and wow, wow, wow. For the first time, a researcher who is saying the same thing that we are almost to the "T". Incredible. For anyone who knows and understands our work, this article is a must read. http://www.healthrising.org/blog/2015/12/21/exercise-gut-chronic-fatigue-syndrome-me-cfs/
This is a very interesting
This is a very interesting article!
1) Do you have recommendations on guidelines to discern the correct balance between physical activity and " damaging" exercise?
2) What is your opinion on the antibiotics discussed?
I have never seen those abx
I have never seen those abx work for my patients--and I have had a few do them. Maybe one got better for a while???? I am not opposed to trying them when things are really dire-but they would not be my first choice. My recommendation on time for exercise is starting slowly-trying to see at what point you have pushed your body too far. So, ifyou go for 15 minutes and you have bad symptoms back it down to 5 and see if it still happens. If not, then do 5 minutes each day and work up the time one minute at a time per every week-it needs to be SLOW! Cleaning the body out and rebalancing from chronic inflammatory illnesses, is like opening the valve ever so slightly to allow for the flow of toxins out--but not enough to let them spill all over everywhere.