I'm so excited to see Matia and Boaz begin this stage of their journey. The work they are doing is so incredibly important, and the fact that they want to share their knowledge with the world shows how truly dedicated they are to helping people. I was diagnosed with IC when I was 21, and similarly to Matia and many other's stories, it completely destroyed my life. I went from doctor to doctor trying to figure out what was going on, and how I could be helped, but nothing worked. Several months in, I thankfully found Matia through one of her other patients, a young woman who was struggling with IC as well. Within months of working with Matia I began to see improvements. It was incredible-- I couldn't believe it. I'm 30 now, and pain free from IC! I have been working with Matia for nearly a decade, and as everyone else has said, she saved my life. She has endless compassion, understanding, and a true desire to help people find their healthiest selves. ~KH
So happy to see Matia and Boaz continuing this work on IC Matia is one of a kind-I think she is truly brilliant and worked with me with a kind heart and incredible patience. I was a mess and in so much pain —but after working with her I once again was able to live life!! Thank u Matia! Love u and all u have done for me! ❤️❤️ Excited to see more on u tube! ~CE
How exciting! Matia gave me my life back. I went from barely existing in a world of pain, to truly living a painless energetic life with beautiful healthy children. They are more than doctors who hand you a pill, but instead guide you to heal yourself in a way. Their knowledge of the human body as a whole is refreshing and real, and I count myself incredibly lucky for finding them. These new videos will help others to healthier happier lives, and for that I am once again grateful. Thank you Matia and Boaz! ~MB
I am so thrilled for this YouTube channel!!!! It will be a wealth of information!! Matia Brizman literally changed my entire life!!!! I lived 25 years with pain, unable to stick with a job or school bc of my IC. Finally I found Matia who wanted to help find the root of my problem vs giving me a pill to mask my pain. I quickly began to feel better and it was then that my life truly began! I soon moved to Spain, Mexico, Germany and now back in Mexico enjoying this new pain free and wonderful life! I am truly forever grateful to her and wish I could give her endless hugs!!!! ~LMB
Oh my gosh, I am so happy to see you both on YouTube! Viewers, If you have IC, or any imbalance for that matter, do yourself a lifesaving favor and subscribe to this channel. I have to echo the sentiments of many of the other commenters in saying Matia Brizman not only guided me into getting my life back, but truly influenced the entire trajectory of my life and that of my family's. When I met her 10 years ago i was in the depths of despair, in chronic, debilitating pain. I was hopeless. Matia helped me identify the root cause of my pain and in just WEEKS I started feeling like a new person. I will forever be indebted, and feel so strongly about her philosophy on health and wellness. Please, subscribe, watch and implement what Matia and Boaz suggest and I am 100% confident that you will see your life change for the better too. Thank you Matia and Boaz for taking valuable time to share your experience and wisdom with us! I anxiously await your next video... ~MF
I am one of Matia's patients and below is a letter that I wrote her very recently. I was so debilitated by IC with terrible pain, urgency, and pressure that was relentless. Now, I don't even think about my bladder at all. After watching their video, this is what I wrote Matia.
I just watched your first video. It was so great to see you and Boaz again. You are beautiful. It brings a flood of emotion into my heart because what you have done for me is indescribable with words. You gave me my life back. You brought so much hope into my life when there was none. You allowed me to live the life I have always dreamed of. You've allowed me to be the wife and mother I always wanted to be. Watching this video brought back tough memories of when I was so debilitated. I feel like I take it for granted that my bladder feels so amazing now. I seriously LOVE you. I am so incredibly grateful for what you have done for me and so many other women. You are simply the best and I cannot imagine my life without having our paths cross. I know you truly care about me and I want you to know I truly care about you. I pray for you by name everyday and have for years. You are an angel to me and so many and I am sending you a great big virtual hug!!!!!! Thank you will never be enough, but I hope by giving you this heartfelt note that you know how much you mean to me. I hold you so high and I respect so much your work and dedication to your patients. You never gave up on me. You taught me that the impossible is possible. You showed me that I can believe in myself and my body's ability to heal. Now I am a mother to 4 beautiful children. That would have NEVER been possible without you. I am attaching pics of my four precious blessings. May God continue to bless you and Boaz as you continue educating and inspiring hope in so many. ~KM
So excited to see this next chapter of ICAMA come to life! Matia is an incredible healer and she changed my life. Back when I had constant burning bladder pain and had to pee every 5 minutes, traditional MDs would just look at me and say they're sorry and there's nothing they can do except give me more antibiotics that don't work. They can't even begin to understand how a disease like this starts or how to treat the many causes. Matia was one of the first people to successfully help her patients heal from IC by addressing the root causes and I learned so much by being in her treatment. Chinese medicine is truly incredible and so very few people understand it or how to use it, even for every day colds and flu. If more people have this information, they can avoid and heal from chronic disease, and that's why I'm so happy to see this channel! ~LD
So glad to see Drs. Matia and Boaz doing these videos!! The world NEEDS their amazing knowledge on how to manage IC. Dr. Matia saved me from debilitating IC. I was dying and she saved my life. And she has helped me to get healthier than I have EVER been. Both Dr. Matia and Dr. Boaz have helped so many like me and with these videos, I suspect they will help so many more. Can't wait for the next video!!! RR
The ICAMA way of combining western and Chinese medicine is wonderful. Ir makes so much sense to use knowledge accumulated over thousands of years in both cultures! That's why they have helped so many patients to lead normal, healthy lives. The decision to share their approach and knowledge about interstitial cystitis on this new channel is both kind and brilliant. I'm so happy to know that now, with this new YouTube Channel, so many more people will find effective help. ~KS
So nice to see this video! I truly admire the work that you both do and I'm still grateful every day for having found Matia 9 years ago. My health was getting worse every month and I was scared but hopeful when I started treatment. It was not an easy road but I got my health back and I'm still feeling very well. The most beautiful gift after a few years of treatment was finally being pregnant and having 2 wonderful children. Thanks so much for changing my life! ~VL
It’s incredibly important for people to see this channel and get to know the fantastic work that Matia and Boaz are doing. They have changed the lives of many chronically ill people. The pain and fatigue that accompanies chronic illness is often ignored by the world of medicine as it cannot be “seen” and sadly at time cannot be treated. The way in which Matia and Boaz approach the patient as a whole with understanding and determination is truly remarkable. They work to heal the body step by step and never assume that you have to live with constant pain and discomfort for the rest of your life. I dread to think where many IC patients would be without their help and knowledge. I can’t wait to see more. ~SK
Words will never adequately express my deep, sincere gratitude for the work of Dr. Matia Brizman. With her expertise and guidance, I enjoy a life of health and vitality. To say I have "beaten the odds" is a vast understatement. Doctors always look puzzled when they read my list of prior diagnoses and see how well I am doing! Many thanks to Drs. Matia and Boaz, and I look forward to seeing more videos! ~KH
Matia Brizman gave me back my life 20 YEARS AGO!! I always think about how different things would have been without her, and I am grateful. It comforts me to know that she will always be there if I need her. She is such a kind and caring practitioner who works hard to to get you well again. Helping us is her mission in life, still, all these years later. She is a person I will never ever forget. ~ M2
I am very happy to see this new venture Drs Brizman!
I cannot imagine would have become of me if I hadn't found Dr Matia 9 years ago. The journey is not an easy one, but for me, the only one I know of for healing with IC! I will be tuned in :)..Lois
You will hear this over and over a thousand times in these comments and each of us mean it from the bottom of our hearts - Matia saved our lives, she gave us our lives back! So very thrilled to finally see them sharing their enormous wealth of knowledge and wisdom with the world!! Made me a firm believer in the power of alternative medicine, specifically Chinese medicine in re-mediating chronic health conditions. It is a difficult journey but is completely worth it. In a world where most people will tell you that you may have to live with the issues for ever, don't believe them. There is HOPE and it starts (and ends) at ICAMA and Bomamed (mic drop). ~HW
Dr Matia Brizman changed my life! I have gained a whole new perspective on how everything I do (and don't do) has an impact on my health and well being. Having been told by doctors that there was nothing they could do to help me, I immediately turned to Dr Brizman. Not only am I able to lead a normal life, but my overall health is vastly improved. I feel so fortunate to have found Matia, and am happy she and Boaz are able to share their expertise. Such wonderful, caring people! CE
Beautiful video! So glad this is out to give others a chance to find help at Bomamed. Dr. Matia Brizman - what you went through was a hard and terrible time, but it happened to help others, one of which was ME! I also suffered with IC and am now well. Thank you for your life work and thanks to Dr. Boaz Brizman too for caring enough about others to learn about how to treat this disease as well. Looking forward to more videos... because learning never ends. ~MS
Dr Matia Brizman changed my life! I have gained a whole new perspective on how everything I do (and don't do) has an impact on my health and well being. Having been told by doctors that there was nothing they could do to help me, I immediately turned to Dr Brizman. Not only am I able to lead a normal life, but my overall health is vastly improved. I feel so fortunate to have found Matia, and am happy she and Boaz are able to share their expertise. Such wonderful, caring people! ~CE