Friends often ask me why I don't do more testing on my own body to monitor things such as precancerous conditions. My feelings on this are very controversial to most, I am certain. But, I do feel that health is based upon homeodynamics. It is always changing. And, many of us ertainy have cancerous cells growing in our bodies in a given period and then at another point those cells have disappeared. This seems it would be true as long as a person is focused upon monitoring his or her health, eating in a well balanced way and lving a happy lifestyle. A mammogram or colonoscopy, or other such test is alike a snap shot of your face. Did you smile? Depends on the moment. And, of course, it is not as simple as that, that example is an exaggeration, but, I think the concept holds. Interestingly, here is a fantastic research report on this point that might give allo fus some food for thought: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2008/12/18/some-cance...