This week it seems that questions about pets have been a topic of great interest. I dont
know if all of you know, but cats experience IC, just like humans. Interesting isnt it? IN fact,
it is becoming a huge problem in veterinary medicine. I cannot treat animals bc I am not a vet,
but I get so many questions about my patient's pets. I had a cat myself with IC that I
treated with success. This article speaks about the sensitivity of cats to a particular kind
of fire retardant in the household. It is interesting to see how it is effecting cats, but also
gives us pause to think how it may be effecting us as well! And, furthermore, not
many people know this, but fire retardants are used on our children's pajamas! Our
children with immune systems much weaker than ours. There are so many chemicals
around us and they all have an impact on us. MInimizing these substances in our environment
is one way of making sure we optimize the health of ourselves, our children and out pets!
I posted an article about vaccines today on bomamed.com. I wanted to add on this site
that I have patients that have succumbed to IC after having had an agressive set of
vaccines. People ask me about vaccines often. I am not the expert on this topic, I don't
know for certain if there is a time and place for them, but I do recommend reading and
educating yourself about them so you can decide if you want to expose yourself to them.
This link works:www.latimes.com/la-me-toxicpets16-2007aug16,0,3659446.story