To Whom It May Concern:
My problems with my bladder began in August of 2001. I woke up one morning with urgency, frequency, and pain, all which came on very quickly. I had never had a bladder infection, but assumed that that was most likely what it was. I went to my doctor, who tested me, found bacteria in my urine, and prescribed seven days of antibiotics. After a week, I still had the same symptoms, and went back, expecting him to find lingering bacteria. That wasn’t the case, however. The bacteria had been killed, yet I still had symptoms of an infection, so he sent me home with another ten days of a different kind of antibiotic, and referred me to a urologist, whom I was to see if I didn’t feel better within a week.
I did see that urologist, since I still felt terrible weeks later. I primarily had urgency & frequency – I had to go to the bathroom at least once an hour, and had spells during which I had to go every 10 minutes for several hours at a time. As time went on, I also began to have terrible pains shooting through the entire lower half of my body.
I then had a cystoscopy done under anesthesia at a hospital in my area, and they found nothing indicative of IC – just a little redness and irritation, which they determined was not the cause of all of my problems. I was put on suppressive antibiotics indefinitely, and given Detrol to relax the bladder muscles.
I then found Matia Brizman through a friend of mine. I set up my initial phone consultation with Matia, and she understood the symptoms that the other doctors did not. She asked tons of questions in order to really understand my story and figure out what the underlying problems were. I hung in through the numerous changes in herbs, and the changes in diet. At about the two year mark, I reached the point that I felt like I was back to leading a normal life, and can now say that I am about 99.9% healthy. I still take acidophilus, primarily to fight yeast. I am now back to, for the most part, eating a normal diet, although I am still careful to avoid a lot of sugar. I am thankful that I found Dr. Brizman at the time I did, or I might still be suffering with the same symptoms.
Sharon C. NY