Of course there is not one treatment for IC! No. Anyone who knows anything about IC
knows how individual this condition is to each person that has it. REad my quote from
Hippocrates above! "It is more important to know the person that has the disease than the disease the person has."
IC is no different. I used to think at the beginning of my practice that if I could just get smart enough or experienced enough, I could find that magic remedy which would make everyone
better from IC. Untrue. The thing I have learned about IC and really all chronic disease, is that many people can have what may seem like exactly the same symptoms and require very
different treatment. Again, it is in the details of the person's history and current life that
you may find what is most important and significant to getting a person in optimal health
and free of suffering.
There are many products out there that are aimed at the masses, but, in my opinion, despite good intentions, this is not such a great approach. People's sickness is as different as their individuality.
A person who is sick must be listened to. Their past and present must be gone over with a fine tooth comb. The series of events and the order in which they occurred need to be established in order to frame a starting point for this kind of treatment. A lot of patients and time are ivolved as well. Tenacity and patients are very important to the alternative treatment of IC.
That said, this kind of treatment is not for everyone. Many people would prefer to go the western medicine route and take prescription meds and have instillations. This preference is important and significant. A person should absolutely have the freedom to make that choice and find the treatment that fits them and the doctor that fits them too!
While some people would be horrified at the thought of an instillation, many would be horrified at the thought of taking Chinese herbs or supplements--or might not be willing to change his or her diets.
This is why it is so important for information to be available. So, that people can make informed decisions about their healthcare and know what avenues are available for them to take to find the treatment they choose for themselves.
I know I am very grateful for several local doctors here in LA referring patients my way when they have asked for alternatives and I know when I have made referral in the other direction those people have been equally as grateful.
Working together as human beings to extend our hand in helping a person find options and finsd answers is what makes the human spirit so fantastic.
I count myself in as one person who strives to be such a person as I know all of you do.
We are lucky to have access to so many wonderful types of medicine and so much information to allow us to make personal choices!