Attention to a Bill Please

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This coming Friday, Sept 28th, there will be a rally on the West steps of the State Capitol in Sacramento from noon - 2:00 p.m to urge Governor Brown to VETO AB2109. Speakers include but are not limited to: Assembly Member Tim Donnelly, actor/comedian Rob Schneider, Tony Amador (candidate for Assembly District 9, Pan's district), myself and other key warriors in this battle. We have invited other legislators and are waiting to hear from them.
PLEASE! If you can possibly attend, we need you there! The media will be there and we need to descend on the Capitol like never before. If you cannot be there, please pass the attached flyer on to others. Post it on Facebook, print copies and distribute them, forward to your lists. It is attached in 3 formats to hopefully accomodate everyone's needs.
Please bring homemade VETO AB2109 signs if you can make it! Visit Californians Against AB2109 on Facebook for last minute details this coming week.
Lastly, keep those calls and faxes going to Governor Brown, 916-445-2841 phone 916-558-3160 fax
Thank you for all you have done and continue to do. Seven days left, no reason to give up now. Thank you for hanging in for the long haul.
In Health and Liberty,
Dawn Winkler
CA State Co-Director
National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) 
Executive Director
Health Advocacy in the Public Interest (HAPI)