...will be at 4 pm Pacific time. We will be using Gizmo5 to connect long distance comers to the meeting. Please use my email to email me privately to receive private invitations to the meeting. I look forward to this event, and am thrilled that it can be done. I am certain the first meeting will be a little rocky in that I have never held a support group meeting before, but I am certain that practice will make perfect, and that we will have a great group of people.
I cannot open this article on
I cannot open this article on this site.
There isn't anything to open it just says that the support goup is on the Gizmo 5 and it is 4pm pacific time. You should email matia at doctors@bomamed.com and tell her that you would like to be included. Once it is set up she will give you instructions. I would download the gizmo and get to know it.
It was very easy and if you need help just let me know.