If you are not already aware of it, please check out FB ICAMA. It's been there for a couple of years, but I am uncertain of the general awareness. I posted a pic yesterday that is quite striking. Here is the story behind it:
The before and after picture of the dog I posted yesterday is a story that is close to my heart. This is one of my many rescue animals. He came to me completely healthy and happy as a tiny puppy. Someone could not keep him, so we took him in. We would have taken him even if he had not been healthy, but he happened to be in perfect condition. That season all of my dogs had very bad fleas. It was getting to be at a critical level of needing to be treated seriously. Without my permission, this dog was given an internal flea medication which immediately after (within a month) made him lose all of his fur and even worse, he developed open wounds in his ears and all over his ypper back and torso that would bleed profusely. He was depressed, anxious, and would hide all day to be alone. His bowel movements were constant and smelled so badly (as did he) that no one could even stand the smell. It smelled, vile, like decay. This was so serious, we had his vet begin treating him for what we thought must have been some kind of microbial infection-a bacterial infection or a fungal infection, or some kind of parasite. He took ant-everything. Although he had tiny clips of tiny improvements, they regressed quickly. His itching and crying was incessant and I would be cleaning blood off my walls daily so that my home did not look like a crime investigation scene. People would come to my home and their mouths would drop. They looked at me as if there was something wrong with me for not euthanizing him. I returned their judgemental stares with incredulous disbelief that they could not understand my compassion and love. I continued to say that I would fix him and express my gratitude for him being with me, because I think there is a very short list of people who would have acted as I did. I Westernized the thinking on this dog's problem by using Chinese medicine in a Western paradigm unsing anti-helminthic and antibiotics, etc.... not really giving Chinese medicine it's due. Finally after two and a half years of this nightmare, I decided to look at him as if he were one of my bladder patients. Truly, the concepts are the same. Something destroyed the lining of the GUT, the microbes began to infiltrate the lymph which sets the entire body into an inflammatory cascade. As you can see from the first picture-he had virtually no fur-none on his face or head. I took that picture when he was actually better-the sores were improved a bit from the things I was doing, but the ears were very bad on the inside. I will dig up those pictures. I did not have them readily available today. The second picture shows akll of the fur back on his face and 80% of the fur back on his body and the other 20% is growing in as well. He is HAPPY, running around and playing for the first time in almost three years. I have videos I can share at another time. He is not anxious, scratching less and less every day. This dog's life is completely changed and my heart could not be happier. I am sharing this story because, yes, animals get IC, and I have treated several (informally for friends, as I do not have a license to practice veterinary medicine) for IC, but there is a much larger point here. The application of the principals we use under the ICAMA methodology IS a basis as a model for chronic health issues including but not exclusively IC. The model that I discussed in my doctoral thesis published in 2006 applies, in my opinion, to many chronic health issues. I used in this dog two of our formulas and three other supplements together as a recipe daily. This improvement has taken place over the last two months only. It is astounding and now everyone who walks into my home and see this dog cannot stop commenting on the night and day difference in his appearance and his demeanor. I am so incredibly grateful for this body of knowledge. As we have had so many requests over these years. Boaz and I have started a Youtube channel to discuss our work and to try and offer as much help and education that we can to the world. Please stay tuned for more information. Dr. M