...you have landed on a website rich with support and information on alternatives or
adjunctive treatments to the standard methods of treatment that exist today.
If you are looking for those kinds of options, this means
that you feel that those standard treatments have not worked for you or that you are
looking for something to work in place of or in conjunction with your present treatment
I think the most significant difference between this site and other sites is that we offer
a lot of hope-stories written by people who have made it through the darkest hours of
IC and now have their life back. And, our chat site offers a place to vent and share
and reach your hands out for someone else to hold.
If you have reached this site, you have found a place where there is understanding,
openness, and no judgement--of what you think or what you feel. ICAMA is here to try
its very best to help with information, support, and treatment options to those who are
are in need of those things.
We hope that you recognize the positive, upbeat tone on this website and the fact that
we do not dissuade anyone from other treatment choices. Everyone needs to find the path that is right for them.
Please notice that we do not speak poorly of others trying to help those who suffer
from IC and, ask yourself, if someone else is speaking poorly of someone, what their
motives might be driven by and what experience or education they are basing their
opinion on.
Please, if you have more questions, call Raquel, she is Dr. Brizman's assistant. She can
be reached at 310-231-3300. She can answer all of your questions and help you make the
decision as to whether this is a treatment option you would like to explore further or not.
This is not for everyone. No treatment is for everyone. This is why it is so wonderful to
have options and information available to us.
If you would also like to understand more about the theories behind Dr. Brizman's work,
please purchase her Ph.D. Dissertation. It is rich with research-mostly Western research
that supports Dr. Brizman's theories.
ICAMA is dedicated to helping people restore health, balance, and well-being in their lives!
Who can benefit from Matia
There are so many people out there that can benefit from Matia's work. I think it is a shame that the medical paradigm is fixed on these labels that don't really help us or for the most part don't change our quality of life. When I was diagnosed with CFS it did not really change anything for me. The symptoms of CFS are so vague that they can be caused by a myriad of sources. I think the same goes with IC. Every IC patient's story is a little different. It could be caused by too much antibiotics, stress, bad diet, too much cortisones, etc. IC is just a name that is all it is. I am concerned that so many people don't find Matia because they have not been diagnosed with IC. Over the years I have met so many young women that have suffered IC symptoms but have never been diagnosed with IC. So few doctors are even aware of IC to begin with, that its usually overlooked. Many doctors are un-informed and believe that someone who has IC has to have a certain picture such as pain and symptoms NOT associated with infections. I think it is important to reach out to the thousands of woman out there that are suffering and have no idea what the heck is wrong with them. They need to know that they can be helped and they don't need the official stamp from the doctor in order to get it. I know I have IC but technically I have never had a cystoscopy so it is debatable. I don't want to have a cystoscopy because I know that it is not going to change anything. Why should I go thru such an invasive procedure to be told what I already know that my bladder is inflamed. I think its really important that woman out there know that if they are suffering with repeated UTI's, chronic yeast infections, frequency problems, pee constriction, bladder pressure, pain , discomfort, IBS, vulvodynia ( diagnosed or not) , painful intercourse, there is help out there for them. ( I hope I did not leave anything out). My hope is that there are some women out there google-ing there symptoms and just maybe they will land on this site and realize that there is some hope out there for them.
I have never in my life met a doctor and human being as caring, patient, brilliant, kind, thorough, diligent, calm, persistant, confident, and sincere as Dr. Matia Brizman.
Thank you Matia, for those of us who are in your path, for the dedication you bring into our lives.
Thank you from my heart to yours.
Can't wait to dig further into your blog. Esspecially after reading the comments. Thank you for sharing these things with us, and your brilliant mind!
I need help for my wife's
I need help for my wife's sake I don want her in this pain anymore nor it hurting us we find it hard to find anything that doesn't hurt her bladder she's taking meds but they don't seem to help is there any meals out there she can have I know the symptoms very from patient to patient but I'm just looking for ideas something to help with this pain something to make her happy happy and enjoy life