I posted the other day about animals and humans and how cats are having IC more and
more. A couple months ago, I rescued a baby kitty that was lost and made him a part
of our family of many animals. He has fit right in. But, the poor thing has had trouble
with his urination. He peed yesterday morning and it was pure blood coming out. I was
shocked. Otherwise he seemed completely fine. Although he was a rescue, someone had
neutered this little guy way before his time--too young--a vet told me, which stuck in
my mind. So, instead of giving him full blown natural version of antibiotics, I gave him
one antibiotic au natural with one of my formulas for IC to clear but to sooth the tract.
I imagined that perhaps the alteration in his hormones from such a young age especially
may have contributed to what is going on. Plus he has been a bit more of a peer than
my other cats from the get go. I locked him up in a small room all day yesterday
so I could monitor only his urine. By the time I came home from work, his urine was
clear! The reason I am sharing this is because alot of times people say, the infection was so bad, I didnt have a choice but to start my animal on antibiotics right away. Not always true.
Believe me, it was horrifying even for me to see a little creature peeing out pure blood.
But, I breathed and thought, "what is the best thing here?".
The same rules apply to humans, but since this was in the forefront of my thoughts this morning
I thought I would share the experience. Other than hating the herbs and having to
fight the cat to give him the medicine, he is doing fantastically this morning.
Thank you
Dr Matia, thank you for sharing this with us. I also love animals so very much. They are such good friends. We also have a cat Dewey and and a dog Jack. They are such big part of our family.So far they have been doing very well. but I would like to learn how to help our animals the right way in case of imbalances.Angela.
Cat health - for Angela
Ideally find a holistic vet.Re diet, last year Carole posted a great website (written by a vet) which I have found really useful: http://catinfo.org/It points out that cats need a high protein, high-moisture content, meat-based diet, with a moderate level of fat and with max 5% carbs (most dry cat foods contains 35-50 % carbs). When I first got my cats they had only dry food - one got UTIs, realized that dry food is completely the wrong food for cats, esp. as full of grains like wheat (cheap ingredient to boost profit margins) which leads to illness. They are obligate carnivores as u can tell by looking at their teeth. They don't get enough water with dry food and don't drink enough water to compensate (low thirst drive). I think the dry food has stuff in it which makes it tasty and addictive (cf coca-cola) so they love it. Interestingly, I noticed my cats were hyperactive after eating it.
So, do you think young girls in particular should stay away from birth control?
Birth Control Pills
birth control
wow. I was placed on birth control when I was 18. I was having severe cramps and 3 periods in one month. I stayed on them through college to keep regular and first couple years I was married, yikes!
animals are so like us!
After taking my newly adopted rescue dog to the vet, Matia helped me with a few suggestions to help her recover from some pretty disturbing physical issues. I tried a few different things and now I have a combination of things that is really helping her. It's just like when I need adjustments with my herbs/supps...it can take some time, you have to try different things, but when you get the right thing going, the healing happens pretty quickly and obviously. She is SO much better now and we can tell from her behavior and the way she looks that she is less stressed from her physical issues. On a side note, it's also another way that you KNOW that herbs/supps CAN help "cure" some pretty awful stuff. Animals don't "lie" and there is no placebo affect. It works or it doesn't. Thanks Matia!