Of late it seems that there is a lot of commentary on those who can make it through this
kind of treatment successfully. It has come to my attention that certain people are suggesting that only people who are a little unwell can achieve good results with this treatment.
I have endeavored to post in a subtle manner previously, but, this post will be a bit less so.
There are other websites that would like to steer you away from ICAMA and me,
Dr. Brizman, and have gone to great lengths to keep others from knowing about my
In the past, and again recently, it has come to my attention that there is a person or
persons who are saying things that are untrue about me, and about the work that I do,
and offering what seems like medical advice, which, is unwise at best.
I have several patients that have made it through treatment, who would not have come
if they had listened to the unkind and untrue things that others said about me prior to
deciding to start this treatment.
I have been treating IC for almost a decade and a half. And, in this time, I have seen the
many faces that IC presents. I have come to the realization and understanding that IC is
not ONE thing, but, a syndrome caused by similar patterns- those patterns vary from
person to person. And within the person-all of his or her factors such as constitution,
lifestyle, healthcare choices, etc... determine the way in which the IC presents itself.
I have treated people who were absolutely horrific, and I have treated people who were
by those standards not so bad at all. I have treated people who have lost their husbands,
jobs, and themselves, and others who manage to maintain their life styles during illness
as well as treatment.
I have treated people that have been chained to their toilets all night and others who are
upset bc they have to go to the bathroom a couple extra times per day. I have treated
patients whos genitals hurt so bad they could not immerse themselves in the bath tub--not to mention even think about having sex with their partner, and others who are upset bc they
the quality of their sex is not up to parr.
Symptoms are subjective I have learned over the years. And, only the person suffering can measure their "pain" by their own scale. One can not truly walk in another's shoes and
understand what that other person is feeling unless they are actually that person.
Because of this work and because of the enormous amount of extra time I put in every
day in free service to all of my patients over the last decade and a half, I am certain that
many families have been kept together. I am certain that many lives have been spared
as people often walk a thin line between wanting to be here on this earth or enter the "other side" at their own hands. I am 100% certain that I have done much to reduce the suffering of many who have come my way. I am not perfect, I am only one person trying to do my best to help those who ask for it. There are others who also do the same.
This treatment is not for everyone, as I have said countless times. No treatment is for
everyone. Thank goodness we live in an age where choices are available, as well as
Please do not compare yourself to others when you are considering what is right for you.
Please discern where your information is coming from. Do not make decisions on what
treatment is right for you based on someone else's opinions. Base your decisions on
information. Get your information from the source. If you have questions about this
treatment, please consult my staff. Please do not let other websites or one other person's
personal ideas dissuade you from this treatment or any other treatment for that matter.
There is never one answer for everyone with regards to anything in life. But, there is an
answer that is right for YOU!
Matia, this post made me
Matia, this post made me cry!!! I always thank God for helping me find you but this time it really made me realize that I if I am still LIVING, it is because of your dedication, compassion, incredible knowledge and understanding of this horror. And even though my case is not considered the worst in some people's undrestanding of "the worst", I've had serious suiesidal thoughts on many, many, many dark days. And even though I am still struggling with the relapse, I am a 1000 times better than when I found you 5 years ago. I do have the most understanding husband, but I don't know how much more he could've handled if I didn't enter your treatment and gotten better. So I know that if I kept my family, it is because of you, and if I have a healthy baby girl with no allergies, no skin conditions and not a single sniffle in her first year, it is because of you.Your dedication to your patients is beyond belief!THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!
You and your family are the sweetest people, and I am so happy that you are all having a better life now! You deserve it and have worked hard for it. And, your baby is lucky to have the two of you as her MOm and Dad:)
YES Matia...you HAVE saved lives and families!!!
YES Matia...you HAVE saved lives and families!!! I know because you saved MINE! I would not be here on earth, alive, today without you. And in the process of saving me, you saved my marriage and gave me hope to someday have a child. If there is anyone out there who is reading or hearing bad or negative things about Matia, please don't let those things discourage you from working with Matia. With every fiber of my being, I am telling you that any negative words stated about Matia and/or her treatment are NOT true, not in my experience. I've been working with Matia for 4 years and she is just the most brilliant and genuine person/healer I've ever known. And I have only heard the same from Matia's other patients. It is a terrible shame and a sad waste of time for anyone to be criticizing Matia when she has dedicated her life to helping those of us who have IC. Matia, thank you again for all you have done for me and my family. We are lucky and blessed to know you and we hope that many more people in this world will come to know what a gifted and wonderful person and healer you are!
Thank you!
..for the kind words! I don't like having to be forced into defending myself, but, I have had a couple phone calls that upset me in the past week and thought I should post something.
This is so shocking!
The first time I heard the words "Interstitial Cystitis" were from my gynecologist. I had called her from work to tell her that my UTI, my third in a row, was not going away. I felt like I had to pee all the time. There was no relief! She told me that she thought I had IC and that I should see a Urologist. I hung up the phone and looked IC up on the internet. It said that IC was incurable and that I would suffer for the rest of my life. I felt like I was dreaming. This was not happening to me. I wanted to run away from myself. How could I live like this???? That night I started looking up "success stories". I was lucky, I found the Recovery website. I read until late into the night. I found you that night Matia. I found hope. That hope helped me face the next day and the one after that. Thank you! I understand why this unkindness is so hard. You give so much of yourself to all of us. You truly care about people and their suffering. Your understanding of this disease and your ability to help those of us who are suffering is amazing! Tammy
It was good you found what you felt worked for you quickly. And, it is really good that noone was there telling you not to come and see me. That would have been awful!That is what bothers me-that someone would act maliciously and advise someone to not get help for reasons that are not valid.I am grateful to be able to help you and to watch you get better!
It really worries me when
It really worries me when someone puts fear into someonelses mind. This disease is already so fearful enough in the early stages, and sometimes even through out. This is a hard road to travel but none the less it is a powerful exciting experience full of twists and turns. Everyone has a different path they are going to take and everyone started from a different road.Understanding is an important step in healing. It takes a strong will that we all have in us. We can all do this with the help of Matia. I am so greatful to have Matia's knowladge THANK YOU THANK YOU MATIA!! I have come a long way from that day I was on a morphine drip taking pain killers and sleeping pills. I was so happy to have a real solution that works. Even those of us with extream cases still have progress it might be slow and it might be small but you must own those little things. The little things become big things. I always like to invision myself well and say I am well. A positive mind goes a long way and with out Matia I know I wouldn't have the strenth to do this. Even now my second time around I can say that I no longer lay in my room in the dark all day. Now I am able to walk outside. I am not having mulitiple panic attacks anymore thanks to Matia. I used to sit in the dark and shake and sweat all day and night being so scared not knowing what to do. I am still dealing with Anxiety but I am no where near where I was when I started 10 months ago. My constipation and my menstral cycle has improved and I know that in time the rest will follow. Remeber this diesese didn't happen over night it is a series of events and then there was a final straw. We cant expect to be well overnight, but I do feel we all have a chance to get there.
It's interesting. In my (albeit limited) studies of Buddhist and Hindu thought, they speak again and again of how everyone has an agenda, that in even the simplest interaction there is always an underlying egoic motivation. So these people intent on bringing you down must have some strong agendas at work that have utterly nothing to do with genuine caring for your current/potential patients and only to do with their own gains, and that is sad. Esp. when it comes to something like healthcare. And extra esp. when it comes to someone like you, the rare gem, who is actually healing people of this so-called "incurable disease."
But this notion of agendas also made me think about how precious you are, Matia, as you operate with the sole, selfless agenda of the health and well-being of everyone... and with such commitment to healing a condition you didn't even have yourself (if I'm correct?), at that! You give more of yourself than probably anyone I've ever met. I hope it gives you some comfort to hear our words because you are the LAST person that deserves this, and I'm so sorry you have to deal with this one ounce.
Matia,I don't know how to
Matia,I don't know how to thank you for all you have done for my family, for my life and future.Recovering my health and well being is the greatest challenge - I mean I went to college and I've done lots of cool things and traveled and acquired educational certificates but this is hand down the most crazy brave and fascinating work undertaken. I am honored to learn and be treated by you - I feel like we're a team! I love how I feel a partner to this process and not at all like a Totally clueless passive recipient to your care! I mean its great to have responsibility in my health and take an active role in my treatment process! I feel incredibly lucky to have found IC road to recovery and the success stories and to have been able to treat and work under your care/awesome research/knowledge is the greatest blessing! I look forward to our sessions and appreciate what you have to say and share. THANK YOU! I am so happy so amazed and just kind of admiring your work alsol I admire and bless and respect your tenacity in discovering effective treatment methods- IC is tricky! to me it all seems so chaotic and crazy hard to treat. and it is! but you do it! even if I think I'm stuck- you don't bat an eyelash and we keep at it until the next level is traversed!you keep trying whatever the challenge is . you have this wonderful patience and fatih. and because you have it I have it too or you've helped me discover it was in me all along. I wanted it to be there and you were like- "yeah its there. you can do this!" YAAAAAAY! it is so incredible and just soo wonderful. Yes- marriages, lives, mothers daughters sons brothers husbands have all been saved- you perceive a cry and help. One of the things I ran up against again and again from my past attempts at medical care was their lack of care and concern. Here take this pill- now leave me alone attitude. I was scared and had no hope! You start to feel sooo crazed and scared cause the people who went to school for 10 years to take alot of your money don't do anything for you- no exchange no answers no care no relief!When there are people who are doing things that are tremendously good-or doing something- something extraoirdinary especially for a common good- teachers/healers/ leaders/ activists/scientists/environmentalists/speakers/inventors/spiritual leaders- when its so much more common to exploit others for gain, when people do things that are enlightening and empowering for our wisdom -when others stand to gain from our ignorance - it seems like those that are doing great good maybe they are threatening to some people? who are those threatened folks? Why would they be threatened? Why would someone want to suppress the truth of Matia's program? What do they stand to gain from this action? these are good questions. To knowingly actively cause suffering is such a grave offense. I hope for their own sake that those guilty of such behavior - in this case of actively spreading untruths and misinformation slander about Matia, ICAMA, alternative health options, Chinese medicine and Bomamed- I hope they cease this behavior. Cause and effect is strict! and I beleive that the universe delivers its own impartial justice based on our thoughts and deeds. I'm not making this up nor am I expressing anything other than my own opinion and firsthand experience with this impartial law of the universe. Wonder if they read this site and if they scoff at this - (only someone who does not understand this point could perpetrate such fearful perverted actions for if they did they wouldn't ) the point is that we all must take responsibility for our actions and deeds and the consequences for such actions! I imagine a person who is possibly cynacle and in a state of hell in thier mind! It's hard to imagine someone doing such things unless they were heartless I think the greatest misfortune is to be in such a state of mind- of one that actively spreads negativity! For their own obviously miserable life condition which only stands to suffer more-I sincerely hope they stop perpetrating such actions. May they wake up now! All curses are returned to the sender without fail. We are STRONG! I am getting better and so thankful. I am improving day by day and I feel sooo good! One year ago today I was counting down the 2 weeks until I could fly out and see you! Considering that I feel pretty good now I am excited to know that it will only improve with time. Why? cause I'm going to make it wthat way using all the great knowledge I have learned! Life feels boundless and sweet. You, Matia are so integral to that being my reality. My reality which is softly awakening into my dream. Radiating appreciation and smiles to Matia and the Bomamed ICAMA community. Mary
To everyone
Thank you all for the countless kindnesses that you have expressed! I just want to be super clear, that my motive for posting was to illuminate to others to beware of people with ill intents when deciding upon their treatment choices. As I said, I dont feel comfortable publicly defending myself or touting positive things about my work. But, of late, I feel that I have been pushed into a place where I have no choice but to stand up and shout bc people are being prevented from making this choice due to false accusations. This is the part that is so upsetting to me. I am not perfect, I am not for everyone, but it would be a shame to remove that choice! To listen to all of your heart felt comments warms my heart in a huge way. I just wanted to be clear that receiving those comments was not my motive no matter how much I appreciate them. I hope each of you understands what I mean. I am generally a super low key person and dont try to stand out-actually, I try not to stand out. I never say bad things about another person and certainly not about anyone trying to help another person whether I agree with how they are doing that or not. I only want people to think for themselves, gather the facts from legitimate sources and make decisions based on those things. And to be careful who they listen to!Thank you again, though, each of you who took the time to write all of these words of encouragement to others. To hear such warm hearted words touches me as well in a very deep way. Knowing that I touched even one person--one family is a blessing to me and for every extra person I help, it brings me great joy and happiness--having been able to make a difference makes me feel more purposeful for being here.
If I had not found you, Dr
If I had not found you, Dr Matia, I don't think I would be here. The journey I was on had no hope and frightful possibilities. I felt so vulnerable and truly powerless. The frustration of watching my husband and family feeling worried and unable to help was just as scary. Prayers and throwing all caution to the wind led me to your website. I marvel that I hopped a plane from another country and flew to you. I have never had an inkling of regret or doubt. I do have daily gratitude and trust in your treatment. The fact that you are such a special human being with a pure and caring motive sometimes is hard to believe in this society, but almost a year in your care has confirmed this. I sometimes forget the improvements, and when I remember the 6 years before seeing you, I wonder at the differences in my life. I am so thankful, also to see relief on the dear faces of my loved ones. I have a way to go, am ready for it and am certain of the care and treatment that lies ahead with you as my doctor. Wow..how's that for a statement in today's world!Thank you for your open and courageous message today and for being!
from someone you have helped
Matia,It must be so hard to be attacked by this person, but please know that there are so many more of us who are appreciative of all that you have done for us. I am sure that I am only one of so many of your patients who have been able to move on with our families, our jobs and our lives because of your help. Once we get start getting better, we rely less on the website and you probably don't hear from us so much in the blog posts. The posts, therefore, would not reflect the thoughts and feelings of many of us who no longer have the terrible IC symptoms. I know that I am a fairly private person and am not really comfortable expressing myself openly on the internet (I even have a user name that isn't my own name), but I also know that I would be there in a second to help and support you when and if you needed it. If there is anything else I can do other than express my support on this bog, please let me know.LH
You are so right--people who have been help and many times have even just past the point of feeling horrible, typically stop going on line. So, sadly they are not as available to others who might need to hear from them. Thank you for the kind words, and I am so glad you are well!
Dear Matia and to all those reading this blog,12 years ago, I walked or maybe even crawled into Dr. Brizman's office so sick with horrific pain and despair. I was terrified....on so many levels...couldnt eat...couldn't go to the bathroom..couldn't function. I must admit...I was a challenging patient for Dr. Brizman. Thank you Matia for believing in me and more importantly, believing in yourself which made all the healing possible. You are a gift...to the planet. Your wisdom, patience, clarity, acceptance and unconditional love saved my life. Fast forward 10 years later, I am now in the path again, dealing with some pain and discomfort but I know in my spirit and in my body that I will be balanced once again...however long it will take. Thank you for teaching us all patience to love our bodies from the inside out. With love and gratitude always,Keren
It's about Money
Matia, Finding the cure to IC is an amazing accomplishment. As people recover from IC and share their story with others, the message of hope and healing continues to grow. Unfortunatley, many doctors and organizations are more interested in their pocket books than helping people recover from IC. Thankfully, there are several caring doctors that have seen your work and are referring patients to you. I am so glad that you have chosen to take the high road in this situation. Your wonderful character and talent will shine through the darkness.
The word cure can not be used in reference to my work Sharon. I have never entered any of my patients into a formal, Western research program in which to prove that I can cure anything. Until such time that happens, I have no proof that I can or have cured anything.The only thing that I can say is that I restore health and balance to the body. Most patients come to me very symptomatic, not being able to eat things without flaring. When they go through this treatment, their symptoms lessen and lessen over time and the foods they can eat increase as they no longer react to them. This process continues as the symptoms reduce to roughly 95-100% depending on the case. This is how most cases go. I have not calculated numbers and percentages of people who do well or dont do well. All this is in the future. The problem is that although I am very open to doing research and expanding upon my work, I would be hesitant to enter into classical Western research bc to do so would mean that a person would have to be subjected to intrusive procedures after feeling well, putting them at risk for relapse or some kind of reaction.I need to be clear about this word so that I do not give the appearance of being misleading. in any way, shape, or form. Lastly, I greatly appreciate your kind words.