The reason I reposted the article on potassium yesterday in case you all did not flip through the comment section is because it is so important to underscore the basics of information.
I was speaking to a patient that said if I had not posted this a few weeks ago she would never have connected that she was using a water softener in her home water filtration system and in fact using that water to make coffee and hot cereal with.
So, after reading that article, she did an experiment and used her bottled water for both.
What happened? Her symptoms improved. Then, she put the filtered water back in. What
happened? Symptoms came back.
She said she knew that I recommended bottled water for everything, but did not give it full importance until she read my post on potassium. it was that post that promted her to make the change. And, so thank goodness I did, bc it made a big difference.
I often find that it is these little things that I spell out at the beginning of my work with someone that are so important. OFten a person is so overwhelmed with being sick they don't give it a lto of credence. But, treating IC is in the details. Truly in the details. All of these subtle things make a huge difference.
So, information and communication is paramount to improvement, so please read my posts and talk with your IC friends in treatment. Make sure people know what you know.