For those of you who dont know, your skin is your largest organ. Your skin is like a sponge, soaking up all that you put on it. In the early stages of my practice, I did not realize how much people wee being affected by their skin care products. As time passes, I began to connect the dots. Pain levels could be as different as night and day depending on product use.
In other words, a person could be doing everything correctly, but, using products that are upsetting their system. This in turn could be making pain levels rise.
It took me a long time to realize this and to understand that even most of the natural products out there could cause pain. Even healthy ingredients such as vitamin E used as a natural preservative causes pain!
This is what BOMASENSE was born out of. Please think of bomasense when you are going through alternative and non alternative treatments for your IC or any other chronic disease for that matter. It may just be the difference in your treatment!
Go to bomasense.com for more information.
I have heard many wonderful things about Bomasense products. Recently, I read an article by a doctor who was reccommending Bomasense products for IC patients. Now I am switching to Bomasense products. My current make-up is filled with chemicals. I didn't see any natural or organic make-up lines listed on the Gentle Product Guide. Thank you for using your talents to improve people's lives!
Scented BomaSense Products
Hi Matia,Is it safe for anyone, at any stage of treatment, to order the scented bomasense products? or is it best to stick with unscented when you are early in treatment?Thanks!
These products are super gentle. I designed them especially for people with the most sensitive systems. Hence they are a huge help for those at the beginning stages of treatmentand continue to wonderful after the early stages because they are so neutral and pure.They are a great choice for people wanting to keep toxins out of their skincare products even if they are not sick! I have unscented for those at the beginning of treatment and scented for those who have made it past that stage.
I would love to read what someone else said. If you have the article, can you forward it please?
Here are the urologist recommended products. The header on the page has the name of the supporting hospital. Sorry for the delay. I just noticed this request when I was rereading your old blogs.http://www1.wfubmc.edu/NR/rdonlyres/138D48FA-D46C-4C3E-AA1B-3894518472D2/87486/CystaQ4.pdfSharon