Hello my name is Nadia and I'm 32 yrs old and reside in Seattle. My IC journey of regaining my health began with Matia Brizman, May of 2007. I'm on my last leg of my treatment and continuing to get better, mind, body and spirit.
In the beginning of treatment, I was put on a strict but very health diet with a supplement regimen to restore my healthy balance and ease the pain of my bladder. Within the first month of my treatment, my bladder pain decreased by a good 75%. I was on the first part of the regimen for a good 5 months. It helped get me stable and comfortable into a new way of life of eating and taking care of my body.
Through the months, Matia would tweak my supplement and regimen to be tailored made just for me and to see where my bladder was at every turn. I was able to communicate with her via email if my symptoms seemed to flare up every now and then. She continued patiently and with so much understanding and wisdom in this whole health restoring process. I must say that this is a slow and steady process, getting my health back for me has been an eye opener and continues to show me what my body is saying through my bladder.
There are more good days which continue to get better than there are bad days. If you stick with the treatment plan and respect the process, this is a full proof, guarantee of healing in all areas of your internal organs and it manifests externally. You feel at peace and balanced more and more. If you are patient and remember that time heals all wounds through respecting your body and the physician who knows the path to a better you through her unique treatment plan, than know from someone in her care, that you will be a success story just like me.
I believe that Matia is a God send and without her many people would still be suffering from IC. If you are reading this, as her patient, she is kind, encouraging, supportive and very much a true healer.
Thank you Matia and there's not enough words to say how much I'm blessed to have met you and continue to be in your care. God has truly given you a gift and perserverance to find more and more ways to heal peoples broken bladders and with hope through the testimonies of lives you touched, people will continue to come for that healing touch.
Nadia R