This might be a lame question, but does anyone have suggestions on how to communicate best with Dr. B through email? I think I do a good job most of the time, but I thought it might be good to get some ideas.
Sometimes I just write a sentence or two, sometimes a paragraph. Sometimes if I have a few items, I number them or I "bold" the questions I want her to answer.
I guess I just want to leave no stone unturned when it comes to this treatment. It's hard for me to feel so out of control of my own body. I had a couple of "better" days, but yesterday was a rough one. I know the ups and downs are part of the deal and slowly and steadily I am healing. I'm so thankful for Dr. B!
Hi Lisa Ann, I try to be
Hi Lisa Ann,
I try to be very short and straight to the point, but sometimes I just can't because she needs to understand the whole picture.... I usually feel guilty when I email her....but her replies really come as a blessing to me. I don't email her everytime im in pain of course, just when im completely lost, i had a weird reaction to supp or I can't find the information by myself and is related to the treatment.
hope it helps
I hope you are feeling better, Lisa Ann.
I know how difficult it is to feel so out of control. I remember wanting to escape from my body so much. It will get better with time and treatment. I was just telling my daughter that this afternoon. She is also one of Dr. B's patients. I am ahead of her in treatment, so I try to help her with everything I've learned so far.
I try to keep my emails short and to the point. I email Dr. B one update between my appointments usually including something she has asked me to get back to her on, unless I have an issue or sickness (which I had a lot of at the beginning). This time it was teff flour, and she wanted to know how I felt using it. (Great!) I also keep a running list of questions or symptoms to talk with her the next appointment, which I always have so much that the 30 minutes literally flies by.
I hope you feel so much better. I am praying for you and the others on the forum. :)
Thank You
Thank you Sonia and Mrs. A,
I appreciate your replies! When I was still taking drugs along with Dr. B's protocol, I was feeling pretty good and functioning pretty well, and I didn't need to email that much. Because of this rough patch from being completely off the drugs, I've had to email a lot more. Dr. B is so kind and compassionate to us to keep up with all the emails!
Dr. B told me that she was amazed at how fast I got off the drugs. Well, the pain was tolerable while I was getting off of them, but now it's a whopper! I sometimes wish I would have gone a little slower, and Dr. B told me to GO SLOW getting off of them. But, she also said that now that I'm off of them, it's good, and I should make faster progress.
Communicating with all of you is such a blessing! Thanks for listening!
Every day your
body will get better and better. I am so sorry you are in such pain right now, but it will get better as your body slowly heals. I was just looking over some of my questions when I first started with Dr. B., and I forgot some of my pressing ailments at the time. One of them was eye dryness, which hurt so bad. I couldn't even get my left eye open in the morning until I put eye drops in it. It was so scary. That is all normal now! I don't even think about my eyes like I used to.
I love the communication with everyone, too! I have learned and been encouraged so much here which has helped in my treatment. I am so thankful for everyone sharing and helping!
Weird Symptoms
Mrs. A, wow, that's amazing! My right ear has been plugged up for a couple days. This has never happened to me before. I asked Dr. B about it, and she said it's all part of the process and will resolve itself. I'm glad in a weird kind of way whenever I have weird symptoms. It means my body is responding to the herbs and something is happening. :)
Thanks for the encouragement!