I'm in month 3 of treatment and while I have noticed dramatic improvements with my bladder, my energy levels are low and I generally feel crappy.
I get tired after a few hours of shopping and I dread birthdays and special events because I feel it requires such a huge amount of energy - I really don't like leaving my house for long periods of time. I basically feel like 'taking it easy', and resting, every single day. I have a general 'weak' feeling and my muscles get sore quickly even when holding my tiny dog for a minute or two..
My question is - is this all part of detoxing? Or should I mention this to Dr B?
Hi Natalie
What you mention is what I've also gone through. If it were me, I would definately mention it at my next appt. I probably wouldn't E-mail her about it.
Hang in there,
Hi Natalie,
Just to chime in, the exhaustion is very real and seems to be quite common! Once I started to accept that I was needing to give my energy to healing and really let myself feel tired, boy did I notice how tired I was! I've been in treatment a little over a year and definitely feel like I have to take it easy still. I go to work part time and get moderate excercise but find that if I do those two things in a day, that's about it! The fact that we're learning to really listen to our bodies and be aware of our bodies' needs is such a huge shift from how most people live these days. Sometimes it feels so boring to be so low-key but I think that the payoff is that we have that much more energy directed to the healing process.
Best wishes,
Natalie, definitely not
Natalie, definitely not uncommon! I, too, started feeling ridiculous fatigue about 2 months in. I am now on my fifth month of treatment and the fatigue has definitely lessened. There was a period there around the 3rd month, that I had a 50/50 chance of being completely tired on any given day (it usually hit me around noon). Now it just happens mostly only during my period.
I am 28 years old and have always had a tremendous amount of energy, so experiencing the fatigue at first was very foreign and unsettling. It took me a few weeks to truly realize what was happening and to slow down! My husband is a won-der-ful support and all I have to say is "I'm having a tired day" and we pull it back a few notches.
Thank you everyone for your
Thank you everyone for your replies! It really helps to know this is common..
I do try and listen to my body but it's just so hard.. It's like my mind is strong and ready to go out and conquer the world, but my body just wants to rest - so frustrating! I feel like a 25 year old stuck in a 80 year olds body.
I guess I just need to keep reminding myself this isn't permanent.. Who would have thought healing could be so tiring!