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I have been in treatment for a little over a month. We are having trouble finding the right combo for me & I am beginning to become very discouraged. I felt better just doing the diet. I have gone through at least 5 protocol changes. I started the last combo on Friday...while it didn't make my pain worse, it remained pretty low but was worse at night. Then I woke up 4 in Alot of pain....lower pelvic burning & pressure. I just can't understand why, I did nothing different. No diet changes or product changes. What does this mean? Is it the herbs or just a bad day. should I let her know?


One other thing, I also have MS:))) it is under control and am very high functioning. I give myself a shot once a week (interferon) but I have to take 2 Alieve before I take it and Dr.B is not a fan of NSAIDs this is something I am not willing to go off of right now because it is a disease modifying drug & the last thing I need right now is to have an MS flare. Does anyone else take NSAIDs & not have it effect treatment. 

Any input would be greatly appreciated:)))


DLFox123's picture

Dear Amy,
I'm sorry that you have to deal with MS - maybe this treatment will help that? While I know that Dr. B likes to limit other meds - I'm assuming that she knows that you feel that you have to do this? Are you expecting more from yourself than she's asking from you?

Claire's picture

Hi Amy,
I think it's so difficult in the beginning when pain seems particularly random and you're questioning your course of action as a result.  It seems to me that if the pain continues, always let Matia know.  I don't think she wants anybody to be in pain unneccessarily, so if you tell her she'll continue to make changes to the protocol to make you as comfortable as possible.  I know lots of people have lots of protocol switch-ups in the beginning.  Let her know all your concerns that you shared here.  It seems like some of these questions are things only she can answer. 
If you look back through the "Success Stories" section, there are people who have come to Matia (and gotten better) who have other chronic illnesses, though I'm not sure about MS specifically. It seems that the research on MS is really interesting and that they're discovering new things all the time, so hopefully Matia has some perspective on the interaction between IC and MS and can help with both.  It also seems that she doesn't want anyone to go off meds that they're not comfortable with abandoning, nor does she advocate doing so.
I hope you're feeling better today!

deir's picture

Amy- I feel like i was just where you are (minus the MS) I had a really tough time finding the right combos. I was feeling a lot better without any herbs etc too. It freaked me out unbelievably. I was so scared and confused. Remember she is not a genie- she is more of  a detective and a really really smart one at that. Keep telling her exactly how you feel and each time a change is made, she gets more info to keep tailoring things in the right direction. you are already healing because of the diet. Something that really helped my mental state was that she told me the fact that I responded to herbs even in a bad way showed that I was changeable if I was changeable she would find the right thing. ALso- the "right" thing isn't always what makes you feel better right away. there are layers of stuff to come out and that can really stir things up in a painful way. I hope this helps because I feel like I know what you are going through. I have had many ups and downs and it is very hard but hopefully some of this info will help you to not go through as much doubt and fear as me. (((((((HUG)))))))

amybarbara's picture

Thank you for all of your thoughts:) I guess I always expect more from myself & want to be the one that goes through this process without any I had a very painful night again & woke up with pain so I am going to email Matia today. I was just wondering, can a protocol seem to be working for a few days, then all of a sudden be wrong?

deir's picture

Yes! It is way more complicated than just "working" or not. I asked her recently about this and I don't have time to detail everything right now but just know that yes- it doesn't mean anything bad. Your immune system reacts and then adjusts etc. Hang in there. You'll be ok

Willow's picture

Hey Amy, 
I've been in treatment for about 7 months now.  For the first three months I felt pretty much nothing and then the changes started happening very fast. I think Dr. Brizman says in general that's about when people start feeling a change.  Hang in there, follow her instructions to the letter, keep positive and I believe you'll soon start to notice some improvement. All the best to you!