Oy vey: bowels and vaginal issues!!

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Hello everyone - back again, sounding like a semi-stuck record!! Just wondering if anyone else has experience of bowel issues triggering vaginal irritation?!


Firstly to reassure: my bladder itself is doing good. But I'm struggling to move through the vulvodynia/vaginal stuff at the minute and just looking to see if anyone else has/had similar really. I'm in this cycle whereby my BMs trigger burning and irritation in the muscles in my pelvic floor and my vaginal/vulval tissues. SO frustrating: I can be feeling ok in the morning, nice and calm, then have a BM and then the itching in muscles/tissues and the burning starts up! Have an appt next week so will bring it up again, but thought I'd reach out to the group again. Just looking for someone to chat too about it really ;)


I hope you're all doing well and having quiet days!



SarahC's picture

ps if you'd told me I'd be writing a thread with that headline a couple of years ago, I'd have laughed you out of town. Just chuckled to myself reading it back!

Tommygurl's picture

I just had to reply as I read this on my way into work.  YES, I have had this ongoing issue for months (when I first started back in October).  It took about 4-5 months to settle down.  You may think that is along time but now, it doesn’t happen!  I had IBS daily, which then turned into post BM itchiness and burning all day long with my intestines inflamed and burning.  10 months later, this no longer happens only occasionally comes back when I have a stressful moment BUT not to the same extent as it was before.  Also, when I had diarrhea about 3 weeks ago, Dr. B was able to quickly fix that with adjusting the supplements.  I know you may feel that there is no hope, living like this daily sucks.  But do trust that there IS hope and I am actually so happy to hear that I am not the only one with the exact same issues you clearly described here.
Good luck and stay positive.  Will be rooting for you to get through this soon.  : )

SarahC's picture

I'm not alone!! thanks so much for replying. I've had stretches where I haven't had this, but the issue keeps rearing its head, and I'm just feeling a bit drained from it at the minute! Makes me dread BMs which I rather think isn't the healthiest way to be ... Wonderful to hear you've moved past it; gives me hope! I do remember that when I had it bad this time last year it was *much* worse - I'd be laid out on the bed for half an hour after a BM. Now I'm fine, but the itching and burning just starts up slowly in the wake of it and builds and builds! Sucky!!

researchnerd's picture

But-I know someone in treatment who has!  It lasted a bunch of months, and but she's all clear now.

me's picture

I thought I was getting better lately. Had no more pelvic pain. Then the itching started and sent me out of my mind. Then I got upset and the pelvic pain came back. I'm trying to work my way out of it again but the itching can be terrible. Mine typically happens when I eat. Then randomly at other times. I think it's partially due to a ph imbalance. I also have rough skin on one side of my labia that seems to itch a lot, but I'm clear for STDs.

SarahC's picture

researchnerd, thank you! just reassuring to hear. I kind of get it - it makes sense that my bowels are the root of the problem and they trigger all the rest of it - but it's driving me bazonkers! The odd day where I don't have a BM is generally asymptomatic. I know I've had better patches with this so just hoping to get back into one!
me, so sorry to hear you're suffering too - but it sounds as if you're having better bits? I do hope so xx

me's picture

I have read success stories of a couple of people who experienced the itching and after months it subsided so that is evidence I can go away.