So Frustrating

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I am just so frustrated and wanted to know if anyone else had this problem. Dr. B said some of her other patients have told her this same thing but thought I would ask. When I drink water it makes my frequency and urgency so much worse. It also makes my feeling of my bladder never feeling completely empty so bad that after I go pee, I stand up to wash my hands and feel like I need to go some more and have to sit right back down and can push out a little more urine. It is miserable. I also get a burning and aching sensation up inside that feels like my bladder is pulsating like an infected wound or something. I can drink tea and soda and not get this same affect, it has always been an issue with water since I got this darn disease. Even all the spring waters do it....I was hoping my filtered water was the problem all these years after I met Dr. B and she told me that was bad, however still causes me problems It helps if i drink it with food or my herbs but to just drink some water throughout is the worst, especially if i do it too close to bedtime. Does anyone else have this? I know I have been dehydrated for 15 years with this disease because i would avoid water and when i did drink it, it rushed right through me. 

Anneke's picture

I had the same problem long time ago and what helped me was boiling the water first, strange but it did work. I have had IC for 20 years then a remission of 5 years then it came back. I am now 7months in treatment but still struggling a lot with bad bladderpain and pelvic/vulva pain.