Poop talk

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Hi All

Now that we are trying to manage my yeast overgrowth, I am noticing that if I have good BMs my bloating is much improved. Not all the way gone, but better. I have read that it is not the number of bowel movements that one has in a day that is so important, but rather that they empty their decending colon completely, or that they feel complete. I realize now that I can go for days of having bowel movments (I RARLY miss a day) but that sometimes they are not sufficient and I start to get backed up. This keeps everything stuck in there longer and my bloating comes on really badly.

Does anyone notice that they do go evert day, but that it is not always "enough"



livandlex's picture

Hi MImi I get this during ovualtion and then once the hormone levels go down it's like a poop storm - lol. It's like where the hell is all this coming from?!?? All of this was in there - geez.
Claire C

Mimij67's picture

CLaire LOL that is so funny. The first 3 days of my period it is like a whole month comes out. Oy

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

Ilovelucy's picture

Hello Mimi,
Bloat is something I dealt with, but i have conquered it. Of course everyone is different, so what I do might not help you, but than again maybe it will. Having a BM everyday is very important to get rid of the bloat. I was always constipated in the beginning of treatment. i don't have that problem anymore. This is what I do. I always switch up my starches, I eat very small amounts of starch, I eat veggies every meal even breakfast (I know Dr. B says you can skip them in the morning, but i have learned every veggies helps to keep everything moving), I eat very little rice espicially rice flour and rice pasta. If I have those twice a day that really hinders my BMs. You know this Mimi, but taking out dairy helped as well. I was only doing a little bit of butter, and still had terrible bloat, than I took that out.  I am not dairy free because I do eat a little raw cheddar cheese. I think rice is of one the big things that cause bloat cause I would over do it on rice, and than I woud get constipated, and not go for 2 days. Than I would go it was so hard to go. Ugh so awful. Mix up your veggies, mix up your starches and don't over do it, and drink lots of water! So ya hopefully this helps you Mimi. It's worth trying different things. It was my Mom who helped me discover what was wrong with me. Hope this helps

Ilovelucy's picture

Hello Mimi,
Bloat is something I dealt with, but i have conquered it. Of course everyone is different, so what I do might not help you, but than again maybe it will. Having a BM everyday is very important to get rid of the bloat. I was always constipated in the beginning of treatment. i don't have that problem anymore. This is what I do. I always switch up my starches, I eat very small amounts of starch, I eat veggies every meal even breakfast (I know Dr. B says you can skip them in the morning, but i have learned every veggies helps to keep everything moving), I eat very little rice espicially rice flour and rice pasta. If I have those twice a day that really hinders my BMs. You know this Mimi, but taking out dairy helped as well. I was only doing a little bit of butter, and still had terrible bloat, than I took that out.  I am not dairy free because I do eat a little raw cheddar cheese. I think rice is of one the big things that cause bloat cause I would over do it on rice, and than I woud get constipated, and not go for 2 days. Than I would go it was so hard to go. Ugh so awful. Mix up your veggies, mix up your starches and don't over do it, and drink lots of water! So ya hopefully this helps you Mimi. It's worth trying different things. It was my Mom who helped me discover what was wrong with me. Hope this helps

cprince's picture

Hi Mimi! Still trying to combate my bloating. I very rarely feel complete after a BM. Like Claire get all stopped up and then once period hits diarrhea city and still never feel complete, but think that is more from the constant spasms.

Mimij67's picture

Thanks Abbie and CP!
Abbie, does it help if you eat brown rice instead of white? I thought you made rice flour muffins? What starches do you eat?
My bloating is finally starting to shift and I think the beginning of it was taking out carbs at dinner. At first I really missed the carbs. Dr.B assured me that when this was all done I would not have FOOD CRAVINGS any more. This is hard to imagine as I have always had issues with food on so many levels. I love food but am trying to keep it more about good, simple, and nourishing and less about satisfying a craving. The cravings have really gotten me in trouble. 
I am proud of myself because I have cut out potato chips (I was eating a small serving almost every day) I have cut out nearly all dairy. I have about 1 or 2 teaspoons of butter per day and a splash of cream in my coffee and that is IT. I used to eat SO much butter and a fair amount of cheese
The protocol she has me on is making a shift. And keeping the carbs low, and probably keeping dairy low is helping too. The journey continues. Today my tummy looked near, but not quite normal, my bladder felt fantastic and it was one of those days I could have forgotten I ever had IC. I pray for more of these days for all of us until they string together!!!

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

Mimij67's picture

Oh I forgot to add I was really, really addicted to the Greek yogurt. Not to say that people can't have it, but Dr. M always says if you are craving it, it may not be good for you right now, and certainly I should not be eating it every day. A hard thing for me is that food does not really bother my bladder very often, it is more about the subtle changes in digestion that start to add up to the bloating, which in addition to my adult acne is the biggest expression of my IC at the moment. Thanks again.

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

headley.patty@gmail.com's picture

Mimi,so glad to hear you are having some changes for the better. Hope they just continue getting better for you. 

cprince's picture

That is funny about the cravings, Dr. M, tells me if I'm craving it, my body probably really needs it. I have been craving dairy badly, but was worried was not helping me, but she has told me to keep it in and eat as much as I like! BUT, I am also not really tolerating anything, so maybe that is the reason why she has told me to keep eating it. Oh, the fun of it all!

cathy's picture

I am glad to hear that your bladder is feeling so good, I hope that continues for you. I did not really think about it until you mentioned cravings, I did not think I had any but now I wonder if I crave cheese because when I have goat cheese or provolone cheese in the house I just cant resist eating it until it is all gone, if I don't have it in the house though I am fine. But I have always loved cheese. I love potato chips also but have not had them since I started treatment as I know that I could not stop at just a few I would eat the lot so I am not putting temtation in front of me.

Mimij67's picture

Cathy, I would say you are WISE to keep the chips out of the house. Having said that, Dr. B said a few chips were OK, if I could really manage my portions, which I was doing no problem. Portions were not a problem, it was the every day aspect that is the problem. The carbs in general just kind of become my treat. As for your love of cheese, I don't know if cravings are all bad, but they are just something to pay attention to. On the website the Perfect Health Diet, they have a nice info-graphic about foods to eat or to avoid (it is a graphic in the shape of an apple, pretty cool). It is different that ICAMA, but not by much at all. Anyway, they list nuts and cheese as "pleasure foods" out on the tip of the apple leaf. So that really means to consume in small quantities. Sometimes I would buy slices of cheese and only allow myself one slice per day. Eating without cheese has been kind of liberating for me (boy do I miss FETA, I had a tiny bit last week). It has helped me enjoy other foods in a different way. I also love sauces and flavor. I make salsa verde, pesto, marinara, and I found a great fresh garlic/onion/sea salt grinder at Trader Joes that I love. I use it on grilled veggies and meat.

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

Ilovelucy's picture

Hey Mimi,
My starches are as follows little rice, little spelt, beans, potatoes, and a little corn. I mix these up daily, and this has helped my body to really regulate. I always use brown rice never white, but for the most part I try to stay away from the rice flour because it stops me up. I don't always go with what I am craving, because I know those will not help my body heal. I want to eat lots of cheese, but Dr. B says to use a little bit. So I never try to over do it on things. I have learned to practice self will. I have just got cashews in, and my bodys says eat all the cashews that you want, but I have to control myself and say no. I never buy those sinfully delicious chips either, because they won't last a day in my house haha.

Ilovelucy's picture

I do make rice muffins, but I don't make them very often cause like I said they just aggravate everytning. I always thing of what happens to rice when we add water, it soaks in all the water and it expands. I was thinking if that's what normal rice does, but heppens we put in a 1/2 cup of rice flour. It must expand and it is harder for the body to digest. I don't know just a thought. I always drink a lot more water when I eat rice to help to go through better.

Mimij67's picture

Thanks Abbie. What you say is very helpfull. I will rotate the carbs a bit. Dr. B told me if I like it to try quinoa. I think that would be good because it has naturally more protien. As I cut out cheese and yogurt  and chips and limit the butter, my body does not miss them as bad as I thought. I am relieved that for the most part I am doing well on the food front. I will try to mix up the carbs. I wish I liked brown rice more. Dont love it tho

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.