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I am trying Bifido again. I noticed that my frequency increased considerably. Did you experience similar effect? If so, did it settle down eventually?

Thank you.

MissCC's picture

Hi Blondy,
I remember I made the mistake of taking probiotics that were lactobacillus acidopholus + bifido capsules when I first bought probiotics and they definitely increased frequency and irritated me. Matia hasn't prescribed bifido for me yet though so I guess I'm not ready. I'm only supposed to take lacto-acidophillus probiotics. 
Out of curiosity how far into treatment are you and what list are you on? Curious to know at what stage Matia adds the bifido in? I'm currently on list 2 but am symptom free most days as long as I stick to the diet and take my herbs etc.

Anneke's picture

For me I tried the Bifido twice. The last time I tried the very diluted version but reacted very badly on it with increase in frequency and pain. I am in my 8 month of treatment but still not ready yet.