Hard to swallow

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So I'm almost a month into treatment and had something funky pop up. My throat feels tight and swollen, kind of hard to swallow. Anyone have this or know what it is?! Also feeling like I can't get a good breath. Going bananas over here!

fahlmank's picture

Hi Minnie,
    I had that in the first year of treatment. I actually was concerned about my ability to swallow at times. It will pass;)

cathy's picture

I never had tightness in my throat but I did often wake up during the night feeling like I was choking, I still get it sometimes mainly when my throat feels dry.

Ilovelucy's picture

Totally have had this. It's just another form of die off. I had sore throat for like a month, and than one day it just went away. Ya it's weird how you feeling like your throat is so tight, but I told Dr. M and she wasn't surprised that i had this. So it will pass. 

MinnieMouse's picture

Thanks everyone! Wish I could type more.. This forum and my phone don't mix! Sloooow as all get out!

Tinkerbell7's picture

I had this swollen throat thing along with the terrible nausea and throat mucus around the two year mark. Mine lasted about eight months, but eventually did clear. I constantly felt like I was gagging and couldn't breathe, which would sometimes send me into a panic. It turns out it was a healing crisis - junk leaving my body through the mucus, which irritated my throat. Also, the mucus globs getting caught up in my throat contributed. It does pass.. it lasted a long time for me, but I've heard of others having this for a short time.

MinnieMouse's picture

I remember that Tink. The weird post nasal drip stuff you were getting. This is very come and go, was just interested to know who else had throat weirdness. Thanks for sharing :)